I woke up feeling so bad on the outside. My body ached, and my muscles were really stiff and tight. I could hardly move. However, On the inside, I felt so good. I've been down lately, and it's been difficult for me to try to focus on anything at all. This morning - I felt great.
I had my usual - coffee in bed with my hubby. It was peaceful. He has been going through a lot, well... we both have, together... This morning, it was nice. We had a really nice evening (last night) and we felt really close. It reminded me of the "Old us". We were very quiet, and then - we had out private time. Good stuff. Really, really nice. Making for a beautful, fresh start to a new day! And, sweet dreams.....
Our office just got word that there's a Freshman in a coma. Sad. Apparently, he was pledging last night, and drank far to much. Now, it looks like his life is on the line, and his future is unknown... I will pray for him. I feel sad for him, and his family. I hope he'll be okay.
I feel really fortunate today.
Post more later. I have work to do... and people to entertain!