What a Morning! (whew)...... Passports, check! I finally got the kids passports taken care of. I am so grateful to the nice man in the post office!!! He really went out of his way for me. That was a prime example of how you get more bee's with honey. When Brandon pointed out to me that the passport window didn't open until 10:00 a.m. .... lol. What else could go wrong! We showed up at 7:45 a.m. and the place didn't open until 8:30 a.m. Good thing Dunkin' Donuts was around the corner.. and then this!!! lol. So, I had a little meeting with the kids while waiting to go into the post office. I told them how important it is to be nice, and good to people. That, not only is it the way to be, but it can sometimes help you when you need it most. In this case, PASSPORTS! Matt, the passport man could have gotten into a lot of trouble by doing us that favor. However, I put no pressure on him. I think he just saw that we were in a bind. Good people...they know what it's like. I appreciated his help a lot. There's no telling when I'd get the opportunity to get there again. I am so relieved. Huge pressure lifted! Now, on to the next thing.
Getting in shape for my swimsuit!!! Last night, after I posted my "blog" for the evening - The kids and I went Walking in the Rain! We laughed, and walked really fast. It was fun!!! Once we realized that it was way to rainy, and we were getting soaked... we ran into the gym to finish up. Each of us jumped on a machine, and worked out a bit. I really love the way I feel when I exercise. Even though I dread the thought of it (before I go), I always feel better once I've finished. :)
Ooops! I better get to work! Post more later!