Monday, May 7, 2007
Well, my little pumpkin woke me up at 4:00 a.m.............. She was not feeling good. SO, I sat with her. And sat with her... and sat with her.....Then, she threw up, and felt like a million bucks. lol. Poor baby. As for me, well... I am so sleepy! I couldn't get back to sleep. When I went into the bedroom, I saw that there was only about an hour left, before I had to get up. SO, of course I tossed and turned. And, everything that I could ever think of, I thought of. It was exhausting. LOL! :)
Now, I sit here all sorts of sleepy eyed. Is it 5:00 yet?
On the bright side.. (there's always a bright side) This is the LAST week of regular hours. FLEX time begins next week!!! YIPPIE! 1/2 day Fridays!!!! I am so excited! It doesn't take much for me to get excited..... I'm easy! I just love flex time. And, this year coming in at 9:00 will work out well. Even if it means I have to stay until 4:30. I could use a few more minutes to get ready in the morning. :)
Yesterday was nice. Peaceful. Fun. Cold, but sunny. I just wish I got more accomplished. I really enjoyed shopping with the kids. It was fun. They are becoming so grown up! *sigh babies....
Oops! I better get to work!!!!!!!!!!!!! More later. :)