Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Hump Day!!!!!

And here we have - one more beautiful day!

I'm stretching to grab a hold of the weekend. I look forward to it.

We have a Bar mitzvah to go to. Justin's. He's like our very own kiddo. Although, he is one of the most strange and unusual kids I've ever known, as well as his parents (lol... and I do adore Robin). The apple seriously doesn't fall far from that tree... lolol... Anyway, his big day is this Saturday. I'm looking forward to it, and I know the kids are too. I'm the only one in our family that has been to one of these celebrations. I grew up on Long Island! Our community had a lot of Jewish families. It was cool. I got to experience their faith, and learn a bit about it. Very different from what I am used to. :) But, as always - I embrace every opportunity to learn something new from it.

Last night. Oh my. lol! We went Back to School shopping. School supplies! UGH! I cannot believe what they expect the parents to buy. What ever happened to pens, pencils, and a 3 ring binder??? Oh, and some loose leaf paper. Nope... not any more. Now, you can't even understand what some of the stuff on the list is! :P I'm not kidding! And, when all is said and done - we walked out of Staples $68.00 later!!!! This does not even include the Book bags (backpacks) and some other big stuff. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ok. Now, what does one do if they have a "few" kids, and no money??? How do they manage? It's crazy! *Sigh ....... It's not easy for everyone. I am so completely blessed & fortunate in my life.

What else? Well... I don't know. I've been pretty busy at work, and pretty busy at home. With the kids getting ready to start school next week and all.. it's been a very exciting week at home. And, this week we've had some extra kids - so it's been a bit crazy. Plus, we've had a few nights with an unexpected guest. So, it's been busy. He's a nice guy, having a tough time, needing a peaceful place, and someone to talk to. Of course Fred is a love about it, and takes care of him the best he can. That hubby of mine is so sweet. He spends a lot of time helping others. It's in his nature. Nothing forced about it, whatsoever. One of the things I love most about him. :)