Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday.. sweet sunny Saturday!

Well, I now know why I had a blasting headache yesterday and a heart overflowing with emotions! Mother nature came to visit me this morning. Just in time for the weekend! (lol) So, there won't be any party tonight... not that we can't go, but I'm certainly not feeling up to it, AND... Fred's feeling like he hasn't seen me in ages (which he hasn't) so he's not into going either. Time to look at plan "B"... I didn't have a plan B... so we'll have to wing it.

It really is a beautiful sunny day! I hope it stays nice today so I can enjoy the sunshine. I miss the spring. I look forward to seeing green grass, and beautiful flowers again.. Oh, and the smell of a fresh cut lawn! I am definitely ready for spring!!!!

I missed yesterday's blogging. UGH. But, the way I look at it, I post more than 1 picture a day for my 356 day project, so I'm still way ahead!

Brooke's off to her competition.
Good luck my beautiful girl!
I just couldn't do it this morning!

I need meds.