What a cool and rainy day!!! I was really looking forward to a beautiful, sunny day today. Yesterday was chilly too! Brrr.. I hear that it's Spring, I'm just not feeling it yet!!!
This sexy little woman to my right is representing today's forecast!!! She doesn't look like she minds the rain!!! So, it's a little message to me.. It's all what you make of it!
I took advantage of this day, and started out with my regular thing... POSTSECRET! Every Sunday morning I read the new secrets. Every week, there's at least one that stands out. Today, there were a few. I can relate. Sometimes that makes me happy, and sometimes It makes me sad. BUT, either way, it reminds me that we're all human, and some of us share similar feelings, or thoughts. It's nice to know that we're not alone. It's refreshing to me. I really enjoy the Postsecret website. It's a lovely way to begin my day.
The rest of the day was gloomy. It's okay, though. My hubby and I had some good laughs this morning. It felt so nice. If life was always full of smiles and laughter, I'd be the happiest girl in town. I felt so warm and cozy. It was nice. Being silly (which was what we were laughing about) is my specialty. I love to be silly. It's the next best feeling to being sexy. Sexy, Silly, and fun. My 3 favorites!!!!! So, this morning was cool. I posted a couple of my silly pics, so that when I'm feeling down - my own smiles and silly face will remind me that life is good. :)
Today was ok. And, despite the ugly weather -- we ventured out to enjoy the last day off before we head back to work. We checked out a few "Open Houses". I enjoyed the houses, but I'm thinking that it might be best to wait a little bit longer, before we buy. Lots of reasons..... yeah. Not sure I'm ready to buy. But, it's always good to get out there to see what's going on. I like to keep up with the market. You never know... it's always good to be prepared!!!!
I felt sexy this weekend. I've been up, and I've been down. This weekend, I felt sexy. It was nice. I pretty much kept it to myself.... but I felt good. Everywhere!!!! :) *smiles. I'm not ready for the weekend to be over. What can you do.... Time waits for nobody. It just moves on, and passes quickly. Ready, or not. Sometimes, that scares me...... but not much I can do about that.
I felt sexy this weekend. I've been up, and I've been down. This weekend, I felt sexy. It was nice. I pretty much kept it to myself.... but I felt good. Everywhere!!!! :) *smiles. I'm not ready for the weekend to be over. What can you do.... Time waits for nobody. It just moves on, and passes quickly. Ready, or not. Sometimes, that scares me...... but not much I can do about that.