What a party last night. I will post pictures later when I get the strength to get up and load them (lol).
I know I say this often, but I can't seem to say it enough...
I love the girls I work with. My beautiful Meg and Ilyndove - what a great time I had with them last night. Meg and Ryan hosted the nicest party. The crowd was so diverse. So many different types of people, personalities, ages, etc... wow. Nice people to hang out with!
One of my favorite conversations was with a guy name Chris who just came back from working on the NCL Dawn. He was very happy to have experienced the Dawn. Funny, I knew the entertainment he did the sets and lighting for. Fun. I got excited all over again about cruising, just sharing stories with him.
Toasted... I got toasted. That red Pino wine gets me every single time. But, I am happy to say that I did not get sick. Okay, I'm still in bed right now (9:00) but that's because we got home at 2 a.m..... and...
I've been up since 6:00 a.m. I woke up due to my heart racing so fast it wouldn't let me rest. My head, well.. it's fairly aching. Not worried about my head right now, worried a little about my racing heart. Hubby's been checking it for the past hour, and it's still a bit faster than it should be. Time to get myself checked out. I can't mess with my heart. I was scared enough this morning about it that I thought maybe I should go to the hospital. I think I was just nervous, and over reacting. I just need to really take care of business and get checked out.
Christmas is almost here. WOW - I can't believe it. And, I think I might be prepared by Thursday. :)
Today Freddy V turns 3. Going to see him at his new apartment sometime today. He's a cutie pie.
I need grocery's and I have to do laundry today. I also have presents to wrap, and a little cleaning to do. Wow, I don't feel like doing any of it. Ugh.