My chosen drink of the night! I have gone through 2 small bottles of Chambord already.
Have I told you, or mentioned that I collect mini bottles of alcohol? I have a huge box full of them (I am having a hard time typing tonight so this is taking forever with correcting typos. lol)
I collec small bottles of alcohol.
It all started when I wanted to smuggle small bottles on cruises so I could save a few bucks and use the bottles as mixers with soda or juice. BUT, I never did bring them on the cruises with me. I am not a big drinker, so I would wind up just paying for my drinks like a normal person would do. BUT I love the small bottles, so I collect them. All sorts of little adorable bottles of different things. I usually buy one or two or three while I'm at the Liquor store....
thank goodness for spell check lol