TGIF TGIF!!!!!!!!!!
And I am SO happy!!!!!!
I was driving to work this morning, listening to some fantastic music. And I was thinking. I think best in the morning. Usually on my way to work. For what ever reason, I have a clear mind, and I think.. and think... and think. And all of the sudden it hit me. I had this most amazing idea for a movie. I saw it as clear the day was the other day. LOL
I was so excited about it that I had to txt Fred at the red light. He was very excited too, just feeling the enthusiasm in my txt tone. :) I haven't shared details with him yet, but I hope to get my thoughts together enough to share with him later!
Of course I arrived at the office in the best of moods. I almost couldn't contain myself. Funny. I work in a quiet but awesome office full of great people with a lot of positive energy. Meg, who is a lot like me told me this morning that she was so excited too, for her own reasons. So we found ourselves emailing each other to sort of get it out of our systems. LOL!!!! Then at lunch, Mary, Meg and I got together and just went on and on and on like 3 motor mouths! :)
Life is full of interesting twists and turns. I used to compare my life to a rollercoaster ride.. Now I think it's just a long road with some cuves, hills and sometimes straight shots. It's not way UP and then way DOWN anymore, and I am grateful for that. I look forward to each day like it's a new adventure. And now I have yet ONE more project in my head that I have to get started on. Fun stuff. Let's see where it goes!
Happy Friday.
This weekend: TURN THE CLOCKS FORWARD!!!! Yeah!!! More sunshine to add to our daily lives!