What a nice day!!!! Busy, but nice. This morning, the kids went with Mom and Dad to Philadelphia to see the Philadelphia Orchestra perform at the Kimmell Center. Family day, with music from Walt Disney's "Fantasia". They had a nice time!!!! While they were gone, Fred and I made the best of our time together, alone. We really needed it, since things fell apart for awhile. And, so...... we headed to Rice's Flea Market. Since we weren't the "early birds", we found ourselves hurrying through, as the vendors began packing up. It was fun anyway. We had a nice talk on the ride there, which made the fact that we were late, much less important. :)
We didn't buy anything until we were about to leave. Seems I just can't say no to old men trying to sell out their stock of Bagels. They were so cute. And so, We bought bagels. They were happy, and so were we. :) Nice really goes a long way with me :).
When we arrived home, it seemed like our date was soon to be over. We ran out for lunch, and I had a Salad. Gold star for the girl on a mission!
After lunch, we had Mom and Dad stuff to do. Picking up, dropping off... and before we know it - we have one extra child in our group. lol We always entertain extra kids on the weekends that the kids are home. :) This time, it was one of the usual kiddies.... Lindsey!
Off to the Car Dealership. I mention the thought of a new car, Fred's in the Consumer Reports book, checking it out. So, we go over to Reedman's. I test drive this car I've had my eye on.... I LOVE IT! We'll see. I think we're both at the point in our lives where we don't want to make a quick decision. SO, we'll talk about it, and figure out what we want to do.
And then.... we drop the girls off. Going to spend the night at Lindsey's house. Now, it's down to me, Fred and Brandon. Hmmmmmmmmmm..... off to Blockbuster!!! Rent a movie, get some snacks (no bad snacks for me), and off to the Clubhouse to watch it on the movie screen!!!! :) Bad movie, nice time.
Now, time to settle down for the night. Heck, it's after Midnight!!!!! zzzzzzzzzzz
Nice day. Really felt like things were falling back into place.
Yeah, Today was all good. :)