Hello and Happy Friday!!!
I had a decent week. Nothing major to say about it other than I totally kicked ass in the gym and on my diet! Yay me, and YAY to Fred who prepared each and every bit of food that went into my mouth. I am not, I repeat... I am NOT going off of this program until I reach the attainable goal I have set for myself in my head. I'm not exactly sure what the number will be on the scale, but I do know how I want to look.
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY for a huge success for me during my first week. Now, weekends are usually a little tough, but this is gonna be a breeze, I can feel it already.
Okay, again.... what's with this cold weather??? Last Sunday was the first day of spring. I'm not understanding this at all. :)
I am currently sitting on my couch with my snuggie on. I thought that I would actually be sitting out back looking at the pool at this point. Nope, it's just way too cold out for that!!!!
I'm excited to see what my numbers will be on Monday. I will post as soon I Monday comes. I'm definitely not trying to push time ahead, I'm just excited is all.
I've been thinking a lot about Long Island lately. I really do need to take a day trip there and check out my old home town. I can't get it out of my head lately. I know that means I need to go visit there for a day or so. Maybe I will call my Dad to see if he wants to ride out there with me for the day. That would be really nice. Then he could do his thing, and I could do mine while we're there, and we could visit with each other on the way there and the way back. Yes, that's what I'm going to do. I think I'll talk to him about it on Sunday.
What else? Work was fine this week. It was actually a little light on the work. I have everything caught up, and I'm all set and situated in my spot. It's really not a bad spot for me after all.
I got to visit a little with Maryfaith today during lunch. That was really nice. She is one of my very favorite people at Rider. We really confide in one another and share stories and stuff that I don't often share with other friends. I'm grateful to have her in my life.
What's up for the weekend? I'm really not sure right now.... but, I think it will be a nice weekend.
Any good movies to watch?? I'm sort of in the mood for some good old love stories... Maybe I'll line some good one's up on Netflix and watch a marathon of them tonight, or soon. I love me some good older movies.... One that I really loved is called "While you were Sleeping"....... maybe that is on instant queue.