Whew! This is honestly the first opportunity I have had to post today! It's after 2 p.m.!
Yesterday, I didn't post at all! Mother's Day. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Hubby and the kids took me out for a great lunch. It was very nice!!!! Yesterday flew........................
MY booty is a little burned. :( I started tanning yesterday. I love to get color before I head out into the summer sun. If I don't. I will burn, and peel. Yesterday, I upgraded to a better bulb for my tanning booth. I was in there for 4 minutes. OWIE! It was hot!!!! My booty looks like it was paddled really well. lol! I feel good though. Not uncomfortable. Soon, I'll be all bronzed, and ready for my trip! Wooohooo~
This morning I had my Job interview. Whew... again! I was so nervous. I woke up at 5 a.m. all ready to go. lol! Oops! Too early! So, I reminded myself that it's not a big deal. It would be if I got the job.... and the pay increase is HUGE... but I just had to be me - and, I was. It felt like it went well. However, of course, there were apparently a lot of people in line for this job. There were interviews before me, after me.... and tomorrow. I think maybe a few even on Wednesday! So, not a big surprise if I DON'T get the job. But it was so beautiful over there. It didn't even feel like I was at Rider! It's a BRAND new building, with the fitness Center and everything there. I thought about how the kids would love it. There were Plasma T.V's everywhere, Air Hockey tables, Pool tables..... all over the place. Nice!!!! And all of the offices were very fancy. Big, bright windows on one side, and the other side had the walking track (inside). It just looks really nice over there! Oh well.... if I am not the chosen one - then all I can say is, it isn't my time. *sigh....... I'm not going to stress over it.
What else? Well..... hubby isn't feeling well :( I just got a text message from him. Poor baby. :( I hope he feels better tonight...... my sweetie.... :(