What a busy girl I've been!!!!!!!
I did a bunch of shopping today today on my bonus day off! Now I'm beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.
And tonight I spent a lot of time wrapping gifts. I am so bad about waiting until Christmas Eve to do that. Tonight I got most of it done!! YAY for me!!!! Of course I have to wrap all of the stocking stuffers (why did we start that tradition) lol, and I still have a few gifts to get, but it feels like the bulk of my job is complete!
Our friend Mike (Of Ann and Mike) stopped over tonight. It was nice visting with him. I wish Ann could have come with him! She always makes me laugh a lot. :) It was definitely nice visiting with Mike though. He's a really nice guy. Time got away from us, and now it's 10 p.m.!!!!!
Back to work tomorrow. We're having a going away party for my Grad Assistant Tommy first thing in the morning, and then I am supposed to go to a Holiday luncheon that I'm not much in the mood to go to. I'll get dressed nice and decide tomorrow. I don't feel like commmiting to it right now.
I'm looking forward to Christmas. I'm happy about that. I wasn't feeling it much until recently.