Just got home from "Parx". Wow, it was so crowded!!! Like way too crowded!!! I am not feeling well. I was pretty spaced out and shaky while we were there. I'm happy to be home, but I'm feeling bad physically. I hope tomorrow is better.
I'm hot then I'm a little cold. I hope it's just that I have my period, and that I'm not coming down with something. I have way to much to do this week at work. Really just so much going on. I can't afford to get sick.
Tonight was weird. I wanted to enjoy myself, but I kept feeling a bit of anxiety. I'm weak. I should get in some comfy clothes and lay down with my snuggie.
Tomorrow is a work day. A work from home day. Ebay day. Next weekend we're going to the Pocono's for the weekend to hang out with Jimm and Monica at their timeshare, so I want to be sure we have some extra spending money for the weekend. We used to sell a bunch of things on ebay to make some quick money. It was usually pretty big money when we did. Those were the days. Ebay just isn't the same these days. The market is totally flooded, so it takes double the work and effort to earn half the money we used to!
I am wiped out and my eye is twitching a lot today...
I'm not finding dimes anymore. What happened?
I counted the reels again on the slot machines. I am suddenly okay with that. I thought I was weird, but I might just be normal. Maybe the rest of the world is weird. :)
I hate the snow. It's ugly. I wish I could blink my eyes and see green grass again....
I love my xm stereo here at the house. All my favorite songs play all day and night. I sing and feel happy when I hear music. Today I even danced around a little. I didn't care what I looked like :)
I ate McDonalds tonight. Bleah.... now I feel like I swallowed a brick. :) I do enjoy the sweet tea. Refreshing.
Red Hot Chili Peppers. They're playing.. Fred's not responding to it. He loves their music. I think he's really really exhausted.
I also don't think he's read my blog in about a week.
Roxie is pregnant again. I'm a terrible cat Mom. I need to get her fixed after this next litter is born. I'm going to have kittens again. Ok, they're stinking adorable, but I can't deal with it again after this!
I am rambling. That's okay, I'll never get this moment back, so... I'll just roll with it. Time is a valuable thing......
I'm going to sleep well tonight.