This picture has no relation to my posting tonight... it's just a representation of how I've been feeling lately! (lol)
Where does the time keep going??? I can't believe tomorrow is Wednesday already!!
I guess I've been so busy that I can't keep up with the days!!!!
I'll do a quick overview of my life, and past weekend.
The temperatures were soaring over the weekend. And still... but this weekend was terrible. I did a lot of running around, and a lot of stuff, right here at home. It was productive, but I feel like the weekend was over before it really ever began.
Then, Monday :(
My kitty died :(
She was in the process of dying on my bathroom floor and I couldn't bear to see her
Fred took her, and wrapped her up in one of my robes (she loved me, so I wanted her to be comfy with my scent) and he took her to a quiet place. She passed away soon after. I just cried and cried :( . We had to get the kids up by 6:30 a.m., and I didn't want them to know until after school. So I hurried into the shower so they didn't see my face, and I quickly put my make-up on.... But had to tell them after they got home. What a shitty day. Monday's are hard enough as it is. That was a killer day.
My job. WOW. It's incredible. I am so happy that I took the chance. It's just awesome. I took so much bullshit in my last office. I was treated badly by some of my co-workerss (the same 2) so much of the time that I felt it was normal. How crazy is that? It wasn't until I left 3 weeks ago that I realized how bad it was! But, on the flip side, I miss my best friend, Eveline.. and I miss some of the others. As a matter a fact, we all met for lunch last Friday and we had the best time. We laughed, and enjoyed a lot of light conversation. It was really great. We've decided to make it for lunch more often. And for Eveline, I'd like to meet her atleast once a week. I miss her.
I'm rambling. I guess it's time to close right now. I need to sit back and relax.... but (as promised) I will post my hump day pics tomorrow :)
Happy Tuesday!