So my daughter (14) woke us up at 6:00 a.m.. I felt like I had just fallen asleep.
"Merry Christmas... Can we get up now?"
Once a year she asks us to get up that early. Against what my body was telling me, my mind was screaming that I had to climb out of my warm and cozy bed. So, I grabbed my comfy's, threw them on, and out to the Living room I went.. with my snuggie in hand. Fred was in the kitchen, preparing the coffee....
She was just telling me the other day that the "Magic" is gone now with Christmas, since she no longer believes in Santa Claus. I beg to differ. I saw, and felt it, right there in my living room, at 6:00 a.m. -
I know she felt it too, and without a word mentioned, we all took our places to begin our tradition of Christmas. It was sweet. The stockings, as always... were full as they could be. And you should see their stockings! Almost as tall as me. It's always so much fun watching everyone open their gifts.. wrapped with love.
And now they're off to their Aunt and Uncles house to celebrate with their Dad. And we'll see them tomorrow...
Quiet house....
Maybe a dinner out at a Chinese Restaurant... It's usually the only option. :)
So one of my kitties is sleeping on my legs while I lounge on the couch and blog. I am peaceful, and relaxed. There's not much to clean up since we did a great job with it as we went along, and I'm happy for that.
Merry Christmas
Peace on Earth....