I know... I have posted this before.... But, it's happening to me again, right now.
I'm sorry that I've missed several days. Yeah, I know.. I totally blew off Hump Day. My biggest day of hits on my blog! I didn't mean to leave it out - But the honest truth is, I have been going through a tremendous change in my life. I didn't forget to blog.. I haven't enjoyed the fact that I haven't had time... I've simply been completely exhausted due to the start of my new job.
I've stepped into the world of Executives. I have back to back meetings, trainings, and so forth. I have spent little to no time on email, blogs, fun cruise boards, or even much time with friends, and loved ones. This is huge to me. I'm in the middle of the absorption process. Taking it all in. And, quite frankly.... I'm loving the experience. My new Supervisors have seen in me, all that I ever wanted... This capable, smart, valuable employee. I have gotten more compliments on how bright I am in the past 3 days on this job, than I did the entire 3 years on my former job. It's been very enlightening. I am embracing this change with an open mind, and heart. I am so thrilled to have this opportunity. But, yeah... I have totally slacked off on my playful side. It's only on hold. This girl will bounce back, with tons to blog about... but for now, forgive me for putting this on the back burner. I can only say, I will get back on track as soon as I feel comfortable in my new environment.
Oh, and Thank god tomorrow is 1/2 day Friday!!!!! Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!