SORRY I HAVE BEEN ABSENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday.... Wow, where is time running off to???? It's been almost 2 weeks since I've blogged!
News from the past two weeks:
Biggest and best news of all. Fred is now celebrating his 7th day of no smoking! It's unbelievable how amazing well he's doing! He's already feeling better, and he looks fantastic! So, he's using the patch. In my opinion, this is one of the best inventions in the entire world. It makes his challenge not AS tough. It's still a difficult thing to do.. but it's such a helpful aid for quitting! I am so so so so so proud of him!!! And, thank you friends for all of the support you've been giving him. It's so awesome! And, I know he appreciates it. :)
What else? Well, we've been out to York to visit some friends...
I'm into my 5th week on the job!! And, I love it!!! I'm learning so much!! And, I have gotten to know the staff pretty well over the past five weeks. It's a very interesting group. I know which people I feel most comfortable with, and which one's to keep my wall up around. :) It's all good!!!!
My boss is really an incredible Mentor. I consider myself VERY lucky to be working for her. She has inspired me to get my ass back in School. SO, I am taking a class in the fall. I have an appointment tomorrow at noon with an advisor. I'll see what's good for me to take, and I'll get registered!! I look forward to the new experiences ahead of me. :)
The kids are officially out of school for the summer. I'm happy for them. Since it's the beginning of summer break, they have been taking it easy, sleeping late, etc. Soon they'll be going away to the beach, Six Flags, and all that fun stuff! As a matter a fact, Brooke is going to the beach for 10 days! She's leaving this Friday. I hope she has a GREAT time!!! There was a time that she couldn't go away from me for that long without getting really homesick. Those days are gone. It's sad, sweet, and real.... my kids aren't little munchkins any more :(. They are so special and precious to me. These beautiful creations with hearts of gold. I am so happy that they're growing into these lovely young teens. I see so much of myself in them. It's a really fun time of life for them. I'm enjoying it too.. I better, they'll be grown in a flash!
My weekend was pretty nice. I don't think anything major went on, but it was nice. Hubby remodeled the kids bathroom. It's gorgeous! Looks like a room out of a Better Homes and Gardens Magazine or something. It's beautiful!!!!!
Soon we're taking the boys to Atlantic City, to see Weird Al Yankovic. LOL! My 13 year old son loves his music/songs. lolol..... He's so 80's to me! It's hard to believe this guy is still performing! AND HE'S ON A TOUR! Clear across the United States!!!!!! It should be a lot of fun for them. It's going to be Brandon's first concert ever. :)
What else??? I don't know. I think that's about it for now. Everything is going well..... And, I'm looking forward to each day to come!!!!
Happy Monday.......
Happy Summer!!!!!