Good Morning, and a VERY HAPPY HUMP DAY TO YOU!
What can I say? This is my favorite picture posting day!!!! This is now officially one of my favorite hump day pics ever!!!! My kind of girl! :)
Nothing much to report. Everything for now remains the same......
I do have some fun things coming up..
Brooke and I are going to the Franklin Institute with her 6th grade class, on Friday. I'm almost embarrassed to say this - I have never been there! And it's right there in Philadelphia! My kids have been there a handful of times, but not with me!! Well, I'm definitely looking forward to it. It will be my first trip with the school this year. I usually make it to one field trip with each of the kids. I guess as they get older, the trips are far and few between. But, at least I get to go on this one!!!!
The weather is gorgeous! It's supposed to hit 80 today. I could live with 80! Beautiful!!!!
Not much else. Just waiting to hear something about that darn position! I almost wish they never told me I was their #1 choice and all that stuff. I feel a little frustrated that things aren't moving right along. Oh well, not much I can do..... *sigh.
Happy Hump Day! I love her snug little hump! wooo hoooo ! It's beautiful!
Keep it sweet and sexy. Life's too short to repress your sexuality! Just my thought for the day! :)
Have a good one!