Do you think having sex for 101 days in a row might strengthen your relationship?? Well, hubby and I read an article on ABC news about how couples are taking on the 101 days of sex challenge to strengthen their relationship, and make better time for "bonding".... (no, not bondage!) Well, (lol) bring it on! We decided that this is a challenge that we're more than willing to take on!!! And, since it's 101 days - we're going for 102! Wish us luck! :) It 's going to be fun fun fun!! Plus, it's good for the relationship. We make time for everything else, right??? Sexual time with the one we love should really be a top priority... so here we go! And, so far so good! Today is day 2!
How's life?? Oh, it's good! We had a great weekend. Lot's of fun!!!!! The only setback at all was that I enjoyed a little bit to much alcohol on Saturday night. :(
Anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a big drinker. Well, we were out with some friends, socializing and stuff.. and I had 3 drinks. No biggie, right? WRONG! Poor poor me!!!! Sunday morning I woke up with a headache the size of Texas! And, to make matters worse, I still apparently had the alcohol in my tummy. It all came out, and tasted like pure alcohol! YUCK!!!! Honestly, I was in bed until 1:00 p.m! Half the day was gone before I even attempted getting out of bed! And the rest of the day I felt like I was fighting a bad sickness. lololol - POOR ERIN! :P
What else? Not much. Just working a lot.. well, same time in, just a lot of work, and a lot of learning. It's all good. This promotion to the new department was a true blessing. :)
And it's Monday..... Happy Monday beautiful world.
I hope you're week is fantastic!!!!!!
Peace :)