Ran out for a little bit tonight. Although I'm not feeling well, it was a nice escape from reality for a little bit.
Some major stuff happening right now that both scary and upsetting. I am praying that things will be okay. :(
Busy day at work, but I successfully got my projects done, and will be taking a deep breath and take a day off, away from the office tomorrow. I have so much I need to do, but we'll see what I can accomplish.
Christmas. I'm just not feeling it this year. I hope I perk up a bit. I want to be in the spirit, and be excited about the holidays, but I'm just not. I hate that. I know it's still special to the kids, so I'm really trying not to be a total downer!
I don't have a lot more to say tonight. I just hope that things come together, and everything will be okay.