Good Afternoon!
It's Sunday!
Today, it is rainy and cold. I'm sitting here in the quiet living room, relaxing, and ready to get some household chores done. Hubby is in bed. He's recovering from the Bat Mitzvah party from last night. He had way more than he could handle... and now he's in bed, hoping to recover before the day is done.
Me? I'm just going to take it easy, and enjoy the quiet day. I don't have to pick the kids up until about 7:00 p.m, so I plan on drinking tea, doing laundry, and maybe treating myself to an afternoon movie, here in my living room.
Ok. So, last night....
Well - We have a lot of Jewish friends. It's interesting.... I am not one that follows Judaism, or the Jewish Culture. I never have. I was raised with the teachings, and the beliefs of the Christian Faith. However, I have now attended 5 or 6 Bat/Bar Mitzvahs in my life. It's very uncomfortable to me. And, it's something that I cannot relate to. I have to say, it's always quite an experience to attend one of these services. I am not opposed to it, I just feel completely out of place. But, I do it out of respect to the friends that follow this faith. And despite the fact that it's not for me, it's something they believe very strongly in.
So, on we go....
The party. It was very extravagant. This didn't surprise me. Nate and Judie have always made a huge show of everything they ever do. Nothing is done small, or simple in the life of those two. This was no exception. The reception must have cost them no less than 30k. No kidding. It was just crazy! They hired dancers to dance with the kids (no, not strippers) lol. They had photographers taking pictures and framing them as you wait. Artists doing drawings.... unreal. And, way over the top!
And, as always... Open Bar. So, you could imagine that 90% of the place was highly intoxicated. The other 10% was either kids, or designated drivers.....
And, you could never guess who I was seated next to?!?!?!? Crazy Stalker Steve! He was all over the place. Well, funny.. I can handle most anything. So, I didn't care. But, as always, he was very interested in me, or shall I say.. parts of me. Every time I would turn his way to answer him when he'd ask me something.. he was speaking to my breasts. By the end of the night, he came right out and asked me my bra size. This guy is seriously a freak. He's so weird I can hardly stand it. But, I don't feel intimidated by him, because he's not just a freak to me. He's a freak to everyone! Not kidding. lol
SO, here we have it. A few pictures from last night. I took some videos, but the music was so loud in there, it's not really even worth posting. I prefer mellow..
So, excuse the poor pics. Lighting bad, and I just looked horrible. Freaky Steve is in one of the pics........ Bet you could pick him right out.
Happy Sunday.
Tomorrow I will clear the slate, and start my week with a smile, and a happy attitude.

hint hint... stalker stalker...