Tuesday, April 10, 2007
My Happy Place...

I'm taking a minute to write a little. I need a break, and this seems to be a good outlet for me. I need a place, where I can just be me. This is it. I can say what I feel, and for some odd reason, once I get it out, even by typing it... I feel a little better. :)
Today has been a little hectic. I have spent some time (this morning) feeling sorry for myself. Then, after I went to see Brooke, my spirits were lifted, and I felt better. Now, I am just relaxing for a minute....
Sunflowers. The one and only flower that I have ever grown. In fact, I grew a small bundle of them. And, I have the worst luck with gardening.. No green thumb here.
However, when I lived in Missouri, I grew some Sunflowers. Who cares, right? Well, I did. I had so much negativity in my life, that I wanted to take time to create something, plant something, so I could feel good, positive... Sunflowers. I was the talk of the neighborhood. I had people stopping all the time, to tell me how beautiful the flowers were. And, they were. And, I felt so good. Such positive energy.... from silly, big, blooming flowers. Soon after they had completely grown, I learned that I would be moving. I was thrilled, and yet, silly as it sounds, I was going to miss those flowers. My neighbor wanted them. I told him they couldn't be moved, or they would die. He insisted, as I needed to clear the flower beds anyway(according to the rules of the base). He took them, and carefully planted them. During the next few days, I watched them droop. They weren't facing the sun, so they didn't make it. :(
But, here's the thing. I did it. I took seeds, planted them, and watched them grow.
To some, no big deal. To me, Huge deal. And it brought me to a happy place.
We can do anything, if we set our minds to it. I have to remember that. I've been so busy telling myself that I can't do it.... and lost the whole Sunflower concept. I have to reset my mind, and remember, I can do anything, if I really want to. No apologies for rambling. THIS is my blogspot. I can ramble all I want!
Whew! What a Day it's been Already!

I think this is a test.. testing, 123.... testing...
My Night sucked, last night -
My morning Sucked. Fist time I overslept in forever....
Then, I arrive at work safely. THAT was nice.
And then - BOOM! My phone rings. I see that it's Brooke's school. Ut-oh. She, by far - is my Drama Baby. SO, I figure she needs something. (lol) Of course she does! The poor baby has torn her favorite jeans, IN THE CROTCH!!! So, I have to take a VERY early lunch, and travel back to PA to save my munchkin, who sits patiently, waiting for Mommy to save the day. So, I arrive at the School, sign in, and go directly to the Nurses Office. We hurry into the Bathroom, and she begins to cry. I felt it. I wanted to cry with her. She's having a bad day, too. I totally get it. I relate to her so well. SO, I hug her, and make her laugh. I do what I can to turn it around, and I did it. She started by wanting to go home. She was upset and embarrassed that the kids knew she tore her jeans. I told her it would be okay, and I played with her hair, told her she was beautiful, and blew her face dry. We both laughed, right there, in the bathroom. She was good as new. And, it made the whole trip worth it. Little did she know, I needed that hug at least as much as she did. NOW, I feel a lot better. And I think she does, too.
Tuesday Morning

I had a rough night's sleep last night. At 3 a.m. , I was wide awake. Going over my life, in my head. Trying to figure things out, that really don't need to be figured out at 3 a.m. My head was so full of thoughts, and I couldn't make them go away. Apparently, somehow, I feel back to sleep. When my alarm clock went off this morning, I shut it off. Or something.... And, next thing I know, it's 7:00 a.m. One hour later than my usual wake up time. NO coffee in bed... no wake up time with the news... I jumped out of bed & right into the shower... NOT a fun way to start my day. Everything was so rushed. And, of course, Brandon was late because of me being late. Drill Seargent Mommy kicked in, and we all made it on time! *Whew! Of course I had to drive him to school. That, I don't mind :).
I hope today is a good day. It's not been the best morning...... *Sigh
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