I'm taking a minute to write a little. I need a break, and this seems to be a good outlet for me. I need a place, where I can just be me. This is it. I can say what I feel, and for some odd reason, once I get it out, even by typing it... I feel a little better. :)
Today has been a little hectic. I have spent some time (this morning) feeling sorry for myself. Then, after I went to see Brooke, my spirits were lifted, and I felt better. Now, I am just relaxing for a minute....
Sunflowers. The one and only flower that I have ever grown. In fact, I grew a small bundle of them. And, I have the worst luck with gardening.. No green thumb here.
However, when I lived in Missouri, I grew some Sunflowers. Who cares, right? Well, I did. I had so much negativity in my life, that I wanted to take time to create something, plant something, so I could feel good, positive... Sunflowers. I was the talk of the neighborhood. I had people stopping all the time, to tell me how beautiful the flowers were. And, they were. And, I felt so good. Such positive energy.... from silly, big, blooming flowers. Soon after they had completely grown, I learned that I would be moving. I was thrilled, and yet, silly as it sounds, I was going to miss those flowers. My neighbor wanted them. I told him they couldn't be moved, or they would die. He insisted, as I needed to clear the flower beds anyway(according to the rules of the base). He took them, and carefully planted them. During the next few days, I watched them droop. They weren't facing the sun, so they didn't make it. :(
But, here's the thing. I did it. I took seeds, planted them, and watched them grow.
To some, no big deal. To me, Huge deal. And it brought me to a happy place.
We can do anything, if we set our minds to it. I have to remember that. I've been so busy telling myself that I can't do it.... and lost the whole Sunflower concept. I have to reset my mind, and remember, I can do anything, if I really want to. No apologies for rambling. THIS is my blogspot. I can ramble all I want!