Happy Saturday!
I slept like a baby last night!!!! Ahhh... I needed that!
Today I have to do some grocery shopping. Seems we're out of food. I feel bad! Sometimes when it's hectic for me at work, I just come home and crash. Since hubby is the main cook, he usually notices when the food is gone. Me, well.. I suppose I should pay a little more attention. So, it's off the the grocery store today for me!!
Snow again? Awww come on. I am hating this weekend snow. It seems like over the past 2 years it always snows on the weekend. What's up with that? The timing really stinks!!!
I was on the fence about going to Wildwood for the weekend. I'm glad I thought better of it. As I understand, it's snowing a lot more there than it is here. I don't think Ilyn has been at the condo since we were there last.... and I think we were there in October. Wow... time is flying. S L O W down.... I don't wanna miss a thing.
Up early today. I might as well jump in the shower so I can make the best of the day!