Today is a rainy day. BUT WHO CARES! It's 1/2 day Friday!!!!
Let's celebrate!!!! Ever dance in the rain? Today would be a great day for it!!! :)
I'm feeling pretty good today. I have a lunch date with Eveline, and I'll be shopping for a swim suit afterwards! Hmm..... we'll see how that goes!
I think we're all way to critical about ourselves. I'm trying my very best NOT to be. I am working on being my own best friend. :) It's not always easy.
Last night was fun. I got the most sexy red high heel shoes! I loved them so much I even brought them in to show the ladies at work. They aren't appropriate to wear to work.... but they are just awesome!!!! I used to have a nickname "Big heels". My friend and her husband called me that. If they could see these shoes... lolol!!!!!
I will have to post a pic of them, with me in em! They are too cute not to share!!!!
Anyway. Last night was nice. It was hot and humid, but nice.
I relaxed, and listened to the rain. I played on the computer. Chuzzle. It's a must have game, if you LOVE puzzle games. I have a nerdy streak in me, miles long. And, I love puzzles. :) So, it was very nice.
Weekend plans. As of right now, I have NONE! Pretty exciting!!! I'm going to try my best to get organized for my trip. It's getting close!!!!!
I'll be back to post my Weigh In results..... WISH ME LUCK! I am nervous!!!!!!! *Begins to remove layers of clothing. lol! I am bare bones again. I will take off what I can for this weigh in! lol :)