I am so excited for the weekend! We're meeting up with some good friends that we haven't seen in several months. It should be a great time. We're all going to meet at the Hotel, grab a bite to eat, and go out for the evening. Heading up to York, Pa. It's been about 4 to 5 years since we've been there. We'd gone to a fundraiser for a friend of a friend who had a terrible accident. It's been a long time. I wonder how she's doing.
So, our weekend is planned. I'm excited about that. Because tomorrow I'm hosting an Old Guard Luncheon at our University Alumni Reunion weekend. I have a squishy place in my heart for the elderly. And these folks are just that. We have tables for grads from 1958 (that's our biggest year that has pre-registered), and earlier. Some later, too. There's going to be about 140 people. I hope it turns out nice. It's one of the most exciting events for these Alumni. I was even warned that they get so anxious to see everyone that they sometimes begin to show up as early as 9:00 a.m.! The Luncheon isn't until noon! lol! It will be my first year working the Reunion, so I will let you know how it goes. In Development, there's a lot of participation. It's fun, and well... it's mandatory! Our Division runs the whole show! Very cool.
Kids are almost done with school for the year. This school year went by so fast! I can't believe it! The summer should be a lot of fun for the kids. We have a huge Cruise planned (again), a concert (for Brandon and his friends) that we'll take them to, they're going to the beach with their Dad and his family for a week, and of course we have the Six Flags season passes, and the Wildwood season pass! I didn't have any of that stuff when I was a kid. You think they know how hard we try for them??? I sure hope so. :)
Not much else is new. I love my job, and I am learning new things each and every day. I'm not crazy about doing budgets, but I really enjoy the event planning, and the Raiser's Edge & Research part. I also enjoy working in a larger Division of people, with a good amount of them being my age! It's really nice.
So, that's about all for tonight. I enjoyed being able to sit and blog. It's really a great way for me to relax!
Hope you're out there smiling and happy. And, thank you for visiting my blog.