Good Morning!!! And, Happy Friday!
So, today I leave for New York. You think I'm all packed up and ready to go? Nope! Tomorrow is the wedding. You think I know what I'm wearing? No clue. :P Oh my.... I think I have some work to do here. :)
It's raining! Yippie! It's all good. The weather is much less hot and humid. I am grateful for that. :) I even enjoy traveling in this weather. It's kinda "cozy".
This week I've felt depressed. For a number of reasons, as well as, for no particular reason at all. Despite the fact that this may not seem to make sense, being that I have this wonderful life, I have felt sad. Yeah, kids are away. Yes, I felt fabulous on my vacation, and it was difficult when I had to come down off that "high". Yes, I have PMS. Okay, so flex time is over at work...... and well, the weather has be unbearable. Oh, lets not even mention that I have friends that well..... maybe they aren't REALLY my friends at all. Sometimes that hurts, too. BUT, I have beautiful things going on in my life. Yeah. I sure do. This weekend I get to see all sorts of family members that I haven't seen in a year (since the last wedding). And, I have this husband, he loves me so much. And, he proves it to me each and every day. So, why do I feel so blue? Ah, who the hell really knows. Besides the long list of "crap".... lol. But, I'll be ok. And perhaps later on today, I'll be all smiles and stuff. :)
Besides my mood... I have taken the plunge. lol. Ventured out a bit.... gone to the "other side" a bit.. No, nothing crazy! I opened a "myspace". Some friends and family have been trying to get me to try it out. Actually, they don't know this blog even exists (lol), so they've been encouraging me to go there. SO, I did. It's cool. MY brother is "my friend", Aunt Rose (who is beautiful and 5 years younger than me) is "my friend" - Shannon (of course) "my friend"...... and heck, I can communicate with lots of other friends and family. I have my cousins on there, and all sorts of people. It's fun, I admit. I think I'm going to enjoy it, over there. :)
Well, the shower awaits me. And so does the suitcase, the bed that needs to be made... :)
YOU have yourself a very nice weekend. I certainly intend to. :) I will hopefully have more pictures to share. I love taking pictures... has anyone noticed? :)
Ciao! Be safe. Enjoy life. Embrace the ones you love. Life is not a dress rehearsal... as I try to remind myself on a daily basis. It's real. It's the only one we get. Don't let potential "precious moments" pass you by. Let someone know how special they are to you.