6 Years Ago ~
I walked the kids to school. Brooke was in Kindergarten, Brandon was in 1st grade. It was a beautiful day. The walk was so refreshing. I can picture it still.
I arrived home. When I put the T.V on (simply out of habit) I saw the news, and the first tower. I had no idea what was going on. I called my hubby. He was in the office, with the t.v on. Nobody really knew what was happening. I remember thinking it was just a terrible accident. I called my Grandmother in New York. She too, had no idea what was happening. She and I stayed on the phone, during the Pentagon attack, Shanksville, and the second tower. It was then, we realized it was a planned attack. :(
All I wanted to do was rush back to the school, pick the kids up, and keep them safe from harm. I wanted my husband to come home, and I wanted to be with everyone, in the safety of our home.
It was so sad. I can't believe it was six years ago. Sometimes it feels like forever... and sometimes it feels like yesterday.
In any event - today I sat and took some time to pray for the families that lost their loved ones. I thought about the sadness that so many people must be feeling today. I am sorry for their loss. I can't imagine how they must feel.
This morning, I visited the Garden of Reflection
It's a place that was created by the residents of Bucks County (where I live). Our community lost 18 people. This place is where friends and families of the victims can go, to find a little peace, and perhaps pray, or reflect on the special people lost... in the 9/11 tragedy. I used to pass it, frequently. When I did, I would think about the people, and I would say a little prayer for them. That's all you can really do......
Today is a gloomy day. There's finally rain, which we definitely could use. And there are sad people across the nation. However, we are blessed to be here. And I want to mention that I am grateful to be alive. Life is so fragile. It's short, and sometimes bittersweet.
Maybe this would be a good opportunity to list a few of the things I am grateful for, since I have been given the gift, of living - today.
I am grateful for my husband. He is my best friend. He loves me, and cares for me. and although at times, we have our differences, we have each other, to love, laugh together, and care for. We have a bond that is so strong. We've come a long way... and although we may not always see eye to eye - there is so much love, and affection - that we can overcome any obstacle.
I am grateful that the kids are both happy, and healthy. That I can see them growing into these amazing human beings. I am grateful that they are so well behaved, and so loving.
I am grateful that I have a good job :) - and am able to contribute to the family, financially. I am hoping that I serve as a good role model to my daughter, and that she will grow up to be a beautiful woman, with self confidence, and be able to be, or do - anything she sets her mind to.
These are just some of the things I am grateful for - and felt like today would be a good day to mention some of these things.
May you have a beautiful day, and feel as special - as you are. :)