Keeping it positive... Thinking positive....hoping that there are some huge, amazing changes ahead.....
I just got back from my second interview. It was really great. I felt really good about it. I met with some different people than last week. Bosses of Bosses.... Took a lot of information in, and learned quite a bit about what the University Advancement Department is all about. It's 1 million times different than what I do now on the job. It's HUGE! This position is very important to that office. *gulp!
In any event, If I get this job.. not only do I get a huge pay increase... I'd be the assistant to the Director of Major Gifts, and he seems like a really good, fair, kind, and decent person to work for. So, please cross your fingers for me. This really could open a lot of doors for me. I'm thinking positive.....
What else? Well... not a whole lot. My mind has been very deeply invested in this job stuff lately. I think it's consumed me... and now that I've gone through the most difficult part, I'm going to relax a bit. I'm hoping to catch up on some lost blogging time! I really enjoy blogging!!!!
This weekend I'll be celebrating hubby's Birthday. Although his Birthday isn't until May 8th, we'll be celebrating it "kid free". We do both. When the kids are home, we'll celebrate with cake and presents, on his actual Birthday. This weekend... it's a "ALL YOURS" weekend. What hubby wants, hubby gets. Where he wants to go, what he wants to do. It's a cater to the one you love weekend. And I can't wait! I'm looking forward to is, as he so much deserves anything and everything he wants in life. Heck, he puts up with me!!!!! He's a survivor of all sorts! lol!
Not much else happening.
It's rainy and gray out, but I understand that it's supposed to clear up today. I hope so! A ray of sunshine always makes us feel warm, cozy and happy!!!!!
Happy Tuesday my Friends.......
I hope you're smiling... and feeling good today!