356 day project... today's pictures.

Aww... look at Little Miss Raccoon eyes today! Poor sleepy workin' girl...
What a day!!! Wow... it looks like another busy one at work this week. And, to top it off, it's looking like we're getting some more snow!!! Ut-oh... I can't imagine! I thought this was going to be a better winter, with less snow!!!!!
I couldn't get out of bed this morning. It was tough. I realized that it was probably because I overloaded on carbs over the weekend. They knock me right on my ass!!!!! Today I did much better! I made myself a great salad for lunch. And, I enjoyed an hour of good times and laughs with Meg and Mom. I was a little distracted by text messages coming in from Brooke, who was having some kind of drama at school... but other than that, it was a nice break for me today.
I'm enjoying the thought of HAVING to take pictures every day. lol.. I am on day 2, and I haven't failed yet! Wooooohooooo yeah me!!! Good girly girl!!!!!
I'm not sure many of the pictures will excite most people, BUT, they will always be taken by me, in my travels. You go girl. :)