Yeah... I have.
I turned 40 this year and decided that I could either get all depressed and sad, and feel sorry for myself, and let myself go... But, that just isn't me. I have never given up for any length of time on anything. SO... instead:
- I put my chin up
-Began taking belly dancing classes (yes, I've missed a few)
-Got an amazing huge job that's hard as hell right now because so much is new to me (for now)
-continue to blog (yes, that is an accomplishment)
-Keep on working on having a great relationship with my children, and be the best Mom that I can be
-Work every day on being a fun, sweet, sexy, loving wife so that I can make my hubby happy, and feel good about myself as a wife!
Yep. This is going to be a good year.
Today is Monday. Work totally kicked my ass today. I had things thrown to me from all angles. So much to do, and so much to learn. In the first hour of my day I was ready to throw in the towel. I wanted to run and hide. BUT, I didn't. I hung in there. After my first meeting of the day, I was okay. And I decided that I was not giving up. After making that decision, the day got much better. I had a very good, productive day!
I am, however... THRILLED that Monday is now behind me. :)
Happy Day!
Now I must crash!
Peace! Keep it good & sexy!