I am having a productive and busy Monday! I am happy to be at work, but sad that my wonderful weekend had to come to an end!
Fred and I had a great weekend together. We did A LOT of bonding (no not bondage) ... although the thought did cross my mind :)
We had so much fun! We played Wii together, went to a few good places to eat, Met some friends on Saturday morning at a community yard sale.. went to the Flea Market.. to a party Saturday night. And then yesterday we went to the movies, out to eat, did some shopping at the Mall... etc
Moving has been the best thing in the world for us. I mean that with all my heart. I feel closer to my husband now than I have for a long time. That's not to say that I haven't felt close to him. BUT, when we lived on the property that he worked, the stress level was so much higher, we had less space in our home, there was tension.. it was all added to our regular, everyday life. Now, we seem to be much more in tune with one another. It's so beautiful to me. I am sooo loving it. I know he is too!
Ok, now that I got that off my chest :)
Enjoying our kid free time this week. It's nice to miss the kids and be just hanging out as grown ups. It's natural to crave that sometimes. When I begin to feel guilty, like I'm a bad mom for wanting some grown up alone time, I remind myself that it's a very healthy way to live. So, that being said, I am going to enjoy every bit of this week!!!!! :) :) :) Guilt free!
So I have to work today and tomorrow. And then on Wednesday, we have a staff retreat at my bosses house. He has this incredible barn in his back yard that we're all going to meet in. It's not your typical barn. It's gorgeous! I really look forward to Wednesday. He is one of the best bosses I have ever known. And he looks out for me. I appreciate that. It should be nice.
THEN..... after we have the retreat, I am off to swipe my overnight bag off the table, and hit the road to go to the beach. I am so much looking forward to that. I am hoping that Thursday we have NO RAIN! I want to go lay out on the beach for a few hours. I want to close my eyes, listen to the waves crash onto the sand, and feel the mist of the salt water across my face. I want to get right there on the edge of the water and feel the waves crash down on me, burying my feet deeper and deeper in the sand. I want that. I miss that. I used to spend almost every day at the beach as a kid. It was normal to me. I walked to the beach every morning, and I stayed there until it was time to go home for dinner. Sometimes I would even forget that I needed to go home, and my brother would have to come get me. :) I loved the beach. I want to retire near the water. I mean that.
Speaking of the water.... my kids are at Ocean City, NJ this week with their cousins. I hope they are having a nice time. :) I'm sure I'll hear all their stories when they come home over the weekend. I look forward to it.
I am leaving this post today with a few pictures. I have been so bad about taking them, saving them, posting them. I am going to try to catch up. It's been so crazy.....
Nice to be blogging again.