GOOD MORNING!!!!!! And, Happy Tuesday!!! :)
Wow. The rain may have held off most of the summer, but not anymore!!! It's day 3 of rain. I like it. I don't care if it makes me sleepy in the morning. I don't care if my hair gets all sorts of wild. I don't care if my toes get wet (because I refuse to wear closed up shoes)... and who really cares if it gets dark, during the day? I enjoy the cooler weather it has brought. And the yellow, sun burnt grass is turning green again. I enjoy the rain. I even like to take my time, walking in it. :) Sometimes, if I'm in a really good mood, I'll dance like a silly little fool - to the music in my head.
So - that's my take on the weather. :P
Everything else is OK. I am happy today. I feel good, and today is going to be a good day.
I'm having fun chatting with my new friend. She and I have a lot in common. It's so much fun. It's nice making new friends. Life is to short to hide away. I did it - for way too long. I'm full of things to say. I need to get out more, it's nice. :)
Here I go... rambling. lol@myself.
Hope you're day is bright and sunny, on the inside.