Oh how I hate conflict. I would rather be hung from a tree by hooks through my nipples than to have conflict.....
Communication is key, but sometimes that won't even solve it. I need to really work on some things within myself.
I have things to do, places to go, and stuff to sell.
No listings yet, but for anyone who may stumble upon my blog, who has interest in checking out my ebay, my user name is Fashion-Avenue. The page needs updating, and I have nothing on there yet but hopefully by the end of the day there will be some interesting listings to view!
We have sold things for years. Some of my favorite listings were:
Retired Ambulance
7K Antique furniture (7K profit). That's a fun story in itself...
Thousands of designer clothing pieces
Baby clothes
random and unusual collectibles
alcohol (a long time ago before the rules were more clear) lol
And SOOOOOO much more....
It's been quite an experience. To say the very least.
We used to have a house down in Yardley that was fairly large. I had a downstairs room full of rolling racks and ebay stuff all over the place. I ran a full time business there..
Sitting here now thinking back over the years, I can't believe all the different things and experiences I have been through in my life. No wonder I have Raccoon eyes and feel so worn out.
Yet, I want to continue to thrive in life, and welcome new and fun opportunities in the days to come. I'm not ready to give up yet. So much ahead, still.....
I never did get out to buy that Frangelico. I think I will buy a mini bottle of it if I can, and I'll try it out. This way, if I love it, I can buy all that I need and bring it to the Pocono's with me next weekend. I'll get Monica drunk like I did at Trump Marina. That was a really fun time!
Chin up, and look at the bright side. I think I'm just feeling down today because I'm not feeling well, and because of the conflict this morning...... There's still time to turn it around.
Freddy, Mara and the kids will come over for dinner tonight to celebrate Freddy's
25th Birthday. It seems like yesterday he was just 13. Time passes very quickly. It waits for nobody. Make today count. I am going to give it a try!