Life just marches on! It's Tuesday - AGAIN!
And, I believe that all the coffee in the world won't cure me of my exhaustion right now. lol! I feel like I have a hangover. Not from alcohol.. from being surrounded by 22,000 screaming 7-15 year old girls! :)
So, Last night. Well, it's pretty simple. I had the opportunity to live for a few hours, through the eyes of my 11 year old daughter. It was pretty darn amazing. I tried to take it all in. I will admit.. It was a bit emotional for me.
Looking around the Wachovia Center, I realize that I am - a Mom, a woman, an adult. I'm this responsible human being. I see these children, all around me.. they are filled with excitement and delight. My daughter. She looks at me, and see's this "MOMMY" who takes care of her, and does all that I can, to give her all the things in life she can possibly have. Funny.. We connected last night, in so many ways. She would look at me, and smile. I'd see her eyes get teary, and I would just give her a "look" to let her know, I was right there with her. I can't really put all of this into words very well.
We went to this Concert. Yeah, it was crazy. These kids (mostly girls) could scream. Some even cried. It was fun. If one cannot tolerate high pitched screaming, I would not recommend a Miley Cyrus concert (oh, we cannot forget the Jonas Brothers!). It was fabulous. Not exactly my cup of tea... but, this was not for me. :)
Brooke and Lindsey made it on the News. C'mon, would you expect anything less from Brooke? She's a lot like me in so many ways. She has a love for the camera! (lol) She found those camera people from the news in a second! And, they made it on "Sports Net"
So, the night was a success. If this blog makes no sense at all... it's because I am seriously running on empty. :) But, it was worth every bit of the energy we all put out.... and I'm totally thrilled for Brooke. :)
Happy Tuesday. It's a beautiful, sunny, bitter cold day.
More blogging in a few.
Oh, and I have pics from last night - AT HOME. Will post them tomorrow.