Good Morning Happy World! I hope who ever finds this Blog of mine, is smiling, and feeling good about themselves, and their life. Each day that passes by is an opportunity to do the things we'd love to do. Try some things we've never tried.... and another chance, to make a difference.
Making a difference. It's been really important to me. To do my best to make a difference. I really try. I hope my efforts don't go unnoticed.
Things are good. I can't complain. I am happy, and healthy, and doing everything the way I should. My hubby is awesome, and so are the kids. We're all dealing with our own "stuff"..... but, we're all good! We have Me... zooming along through this weight loss challenge. Hubby, taking this medicine (Chantix) for quitting smoking..... and the kids, going through the changes, of little kiddies... into adolescence. We all have our "Stuff". We all do the best that we can. It's not always easy. BUT, together, we learn to take it one day at a time.
I hope the Air Traffic Controllers in Italy, are off strike. Poor Mom and Dad. They seemed completely shot out, and exhausted. I bet they will be so happy to get home. I can't even imagine being on vacation for that long. Even I would miss my home, my bed.... my "Regular life". I hope they make it, today.....
Brooke's Birthday is this weekend!!! My baby will be 11! WOW! And, she and I will go to our Gwen Stefani Concert!!! wooohooo!!!!!! Should be fun!
Better get back to work....
I'm in the mood to post. I'll be back soon!
Sexy Picture, huh?? :)