I began to write all this in an email to a friend...
My trip.
Before long, I realized that I had a lot more to say, than I realized.. So I decided to save it, and blog it...
Here are the first four days. I may have left a few things out, here and there. I think it's an important trip to document. Someday, we can look back and reflect on it... in so many ways.
SO, here you have it. The first to days.
Enjoy. This was my Holiday "vacation".....
Back in 1999, I began to refer to myself (quite often) as "The travelin' Girl"
I was completely lost.. and ran in circles, trying to find myself....
SO, I began to travel.
A lot.
Me, and my babies...
Sometimes, I went solo...
And, somehow... through my travels... I found "me"
It wasn't easy. And, it wasn't always much fun...
People worried about me.
Especially the people in my life that really loved me.
I was ok.
I just needed to deal with my life.. the way I had to.
Anyway.... Back in 99' This traveling girl found her destiny.
And, let me tell you.... the road was rough. It was painful....
I had to face fears... I had to hurt, and be hurt... and deal with a lot of "crap".....
But, I survived... and choose the right path for me.
I don't regret a moment of what I went through.
I learned so much.... I grew into a better person...
And, I discovered a whole new world..... the world of acceptance.... of myself.
We all go through it.
Anyway....... This last trip... was quite a Journey...
I had to face people that I wasn't very fond of.
And, I had to let go of things inside my heart, and forgive...
So I could move forward, and feel good about myself.. and renew my faith in me, and others...
This was a trip I will not soon forget.
Christmas Morning.
It was a hustle. Packing... preparing...
Kissing and hugging the kids, sending them on their way. A teary eyed Mom, holding back all sorts of emotions...
Not to see them again for a week. But, this was not a trip for them to experience. Not this time.
12:00 p.m and off we went.
We packed all sorts of goodies to enjoy along the way.
Adult Mad Libs
Fun snacks...
You name it! The plan was: We were bound and determined to have an enjoyable time, despite the fact that it was more of a trip to say "Good-bye".....
Fred's Dad is dying of Cancer. He has been pretty much consumed by it. Everywhere. It's very sad. Knowing this time would be the last ever, seeing him alive...
not so easy to deal with.
So, I wore a few hats on this one. I was once again... The travelin' girl. I was searching - again... but for something different, this time around. I was headed for a place that was very uncomfortable to me. I was not very well accepted there, and I was not very accepting of them.... BUT, this trip was all about supporting Fred. It was about letting go, and just being me. No anger towards them, no resentment. It was about holding the weight of two... in case Fred couldn't be strong enough... Holding his hand, wiping away his tears.. It was about being there... sometimes without words... I had to be strong. And, I was. :)
So.... I drove first. We hit 95.
We chose this route because it was the most direct...
The easiest highway to take.
And it was....
Again, it was Christmas Day. SO, we had the Sirius radio on - Holiday tunes... the entire day.
And, it was a smooth ride. No traffic....
We played the question game. It was fun.
Some of the questions we came up with! lol!
And, we tried Mad Libs.... Somehow it just wasn't the same as I remembered it as a kid. It's strange how that sort of thing happens. I remember laughing, and carrying on about how funny it was when we'd read them back, after coming up with the silly words, and waiting to hear the outcome..... Well, I guess being a kid was part of the beauty of Madlibs.... not so funny as an adult (LOL)... but, still... we gave it a try.
And, day one was a huge success....
We drove and drove.... OK, so I did most of the driving. But, he really needed me to. He was struggling... emotionally. And, as much as I tried to entertain him, it was still in the back of his mind... Seeing his Dad, and saying good-bye.
We laughed. We also spent quite a bit of time just quiet..... enjoying the sites... and the peace...
The highway was so wide open - we made it to "South of the Border". You know that silly, tacky place I'm referring to??? Well, oddly enough - as many times in my life that I have driven past it, I have never stopped there. Neither had Fred. SO, we decided that it would be the perfect stopping point. For the 1st day.
AND, tacky it was! (LOL) But, it was a BLAST. We were tired. Mentally, physically...
But, we stayed at the South of The Border Motel. LOLOL!!!!
It was ADORABLE!!!! Each hotel room had it's very own carport, which was great.... because it was POURING!!!!!!!!!
The room was so cute. It was old, but they had remodeled it, but keeping with the old, 70's theme. It was really sweet.
And we crashed..... we were wiped out........
End - Day one.......
Day two ~
Well, we woke up to a tremendous rain storm! How can anyone get motivated to hit the road with such a terrible storm outside? What choice did we have? We were dealing with a very limited time frame, in terms of taking our time.. so we basically had no choice, but to ride with the storm! So, pack pack pack... shower... move on!
Our first (and most important stop) COFFEE!!!! We found this little hole in the wall kind of place, right in the tacky South of the Border community. IT WAS SO CUTE! It was like going back in time. I loved it. Nice people, great coffee... and the most delicious pancakes I have ever tasted in my 39 years of life! It's moments like that, I'd love to bottle up - and always cherish. Simple, easy, rainy, but who gives a damn moments....... And, it was great. I think our entire breakfast (with coffee) cost us about 8 bucks and change. How silly is that??? It was a really nice start to the day...... This simple place... It's the the little things that count. It's moments like that, you want to make last forever.
BUT THEY DON'T... and we move along......
So, once we landed in Savannah, we said a cheerful good-bye to 95 (for awhile). Now, we had to drive along the length of the state of Georgia. From the east end, to the western tip (next to Bama). And, it rained. And rained.... So, I drove slow. Once the rain let up, we stopped at a little gas station to stretch our legs, and fill up the tank. Funny.. the moment we stepped out of the car, a man approached us, and proceeded to ask where we were from. Well, I know we were in a very rural area - but was it that obvious that we weren't from there? I guess so. lol. Everyone was looking at me in the store. It felt a little strange for a moment. I did look a little different. I admit . And, before too long, I became more comfortable with the stares, as I realized that people were just noticing me, and it was "ok". As a matter a fact, I'd stop and chit chat with people as I went through each store, during our occasional stops. Funny, they seemed to enjoy my smiles, and friendly hello's. I enjoyed theirs, also. It was very dear to me... I did enjoy it a whole lot.......You know.. the little things.... Part of my life - as the travelin' girl. I soak it all in, and make every step - a sort of lesson, or reason for my journey... my life.... after all, every bit of it, is happening for a reason.... I'm sure of it...
So along we traveled. Sharing thoughts, ideas, fears, feelings... hopes, dreams.. and desires... And we bonded. And, even after 9 years together, I saw this amazing man beside me - looking at me with eyes full of love. And, if that was the only thing that I saw during this trip, it was worth every bump in the road, and made the rain and constant swish of the windshield wipers a whole lot less frustrating..... because, we were there, doing this together.
Anyway, we made it to Donalsonville, Ga.. late. I think it was around 8:30 or so in the evening. It was a long long day of driving.....
Donalsonville was the city we were staying in. Population - approx 2,700 - the only area with a hotel, and the closest town to Jakin, Ga... where Fred's family lives. Jakin Ga, population: 154. So, you can imagine the culture shock for me..... It's no joke, this is a totally different world - and I can say this for sure, it gives me a whole renewed appreciation for my life, my love, my family. And, it reminds me that the world is full of all different types of people, and lifestyles....
We did a quick stop, to see everyone. We kept it pretty brief.. and still, it was both happy, and sad. We met the new baby (our second grandson), and we got to see Bethany for the first time since she was born last December. She is beautiful. It was nice. On the flip side, we saw the reality of just how sick Fred's Dad really is. It was a huge eye opener. A very sad situation........ And, such a short amount of time to make the trip as meaningful as possible. For him, for Fred, for me......
End, day two....
Day three.....
We wake up in our spacious hotel room.. about a mile apart, in our King Size bed. Funny. We would love to have a King size bed at home. However, when we sleep in one - we end up sleeping like a mile apart. We laugh about it, though...
It's the non sleeping time that we enjoy the use of a King....and that was one thing we missed out on, due to pure exhaustion. (lol)
But, truth is... we're cuddlers. And we tend to get lost in a bed that's too large. REMEMBER this part of my story.. it will bring a huge smile to your face later. There's a bit of a different experience on the trip home... you'll appreciate.
So. Every morning is beginning really early for us. C'mon, don't forget - we're doing this in a matter of less than a week!
As always, Fred runs off to the Hotel lobby to grab a few cups of coffee. He brings it to me at home, in bed..
Brings it to me in bed, at Hotels. I am pretty well spoiled. We bring a nice balance to the relationship.
I do for him, he does for me. I care for his heart, he cares for mine.. It works well.....
Knock Knock... hmmmm, I guess he forgot his key. I hurry my naked booty to the door and peek in the hole before I open it. :)
It's him. He carries 2 cups of coffee, 2 cups of orange juice, and a plate with waffles on it. Guess we're having breakfast in bed.
I guess maybe you've noticed that I haven't mentioned many stops for eating. We didn't have many. (lol) You'd think I would have lost a few pounds....
Nope.. not me! Fat Chance (lol) You see, when we did get the chance to grab something, it was fast food or pizza. UGH. I did carry along my fruit - but that went pretty fast!!!!
Anyway, trying not to get off track...
We hopped back in the car and went to Jakin, to see Fred's family.
On the way there, Fred suggested that I take a ride into Alabama for the day. Seems shocking, coming from him.
He is a very protective man, and worries about me when ever I go off somewhere without him.
Not this time. See, it's a very unhealthy environment there. Everyone sits around on the porch, day in - day out, and smoke.
Smoke smoke smoke.... and sit around. He didn't want to subject me to all that second hand smoke, and he was worried that I would be really bored, and hungry (they don't offer food or drinks). So, I decided to take him up on it. Alabama, here I come!
I went to the house with him. Said my hello's. I even went in to see his Dad. Sad. I am not angry with his Dad. I don't feel bad feelings towards him. It's a long story. But, the bottom line is, his Dad was not a bad man. He lived a tough life, and he didn't always make the best choices, but he was not a bad man. So, I sat with him and chatted. I told him I was there to make sure that he got everything he wanted. That Fred and I were going to make sure he was treated special. He smiled, ear to ear. This is a man that has never asked for anything. And, it seems - has gotten just that. So, my job was to make a list, head to Dothan, and fill it, one by one.... It was nice visiting with him. It really was.....
So, off to Alabama I went. And I shopped. :) The list was filled, all requests granted, and I was a happy girl. I was glad to be out of the house. But, I worried about Fred. When I left him, he was so sad, and had so many mixed feelings about seeing his Dad, and dealing with the whole experience. I wanted to be there with him, but it was really important to take care of the business at hand. And, I wanted to be sure that he had as much time as possible to visit with his Dad. I bought the kids gifts, as well as Mara. Everything I could get. And, I headed back to Jakin.
When I came back, Fred was so happy. It was like I was the only "normal" in his life. And he was thrilled to see me pull up. I unloaded everything, and went in the house. His Mom was so different towards me this time. She was all over me. Complimenting me, and spending time talking to me. Even though I have some strong feelings towards her about how she treated Fred when he was a little boy, I was embracing the moment with her. I felt that it was important for her, to see the real me. And, I wasn't going to be anyone else on this visit. So, I overlooked the fact that she was terribly abusive, and damaging to Fred, and his entire childhood - and I sat with her, talked to her, shared stories, gave gifts, and smiled a lot. Not to jump ahead or anything, but by the time I left, she told me that I was so beautiful, both inside and out. I told her that I am no different than before.... that I felt like this time, she just got to know me, for me.....
Not too much later, we said our good-nights, and left for the evening. We were starving! lol. As soon as we got back to the hotel, we ran over to the Pizza Hut, and made a huge order. OH, we brought Fred's son, his wife, and the babies with us, for a few hours. It was the only way we'd be able to visit with them quietly. So we had a little Pizza party at our Hotel Room.
After awhile, we took them back to the house....
And, the King Size bed awaited us..... And we crashed..... (lol) Way to tired to even enjoy the time......
And, that was the end of Day three......
Day four....
Our Second, and last FULL day in Donalsonville/Jakin Georgia..
Up early, AGAIN! I'm talking - EARLY! Funny. During our stay at the hotel, the alarm clock would randomly go off. So, I was really off track, and had no idea what the heck was going on. And, it was so dark in the room, I never knew if it was night, or day!
Anyway, up again! Shower, coffee, and off we went.....
Something about Donalsonville/Jakin.... Dogs. Everywhere. Highways, streets, shopping centers... puppies, dogs. Not on leashes. Not with people. Just loose. Everywhere...
I don't think the people watch "The Price is Right". Wasn't it Bob Barker that reminded us all at the end of the program to have our pets spade or neutered? Seriously. I think in that area, most people just have dogs and cats, and they don't take them to the Vet. What happens, just happens. Very different from here. VERY strange. I was nervous getting out of the car. I didn't want to get bit. This is not a joke. I felt this way.
As we approached the street that Fred's parents live on (A Dirt road btw), the dogs would chase the car. (lol) And, when we arrived, I would wait until the coast was clear, and then make a run for their front porch. I looked back, and there was a dog marking his place on my front tire! HEY, that's my new car! Ewwwwwww..... Damn dog! (lol) I know, it sounds funny. But, it's true. Really, like a "Lifetime" movie.... *Smile.
So, there we were. At the parents house.Lot's of visiting to do on this day. His Sister was coming to visit from Montgomery, Alabama, and other people, from different parts of the state. My big plan was to to get out so I could buy my little granddaughter a 1st Birthday cake. I wanted her to have the best. Since she absolutely loves Sponge Bob, we had to get her a Sponge Bob Birthday cake. Tough thing, trying to find a place to buy a specialty cake... But, I did it!!! Indeed I did!! Went back to Donalsonville and spoke with someone in the Bakery department, at the local Grocery store.... They did it!!! So, I was happy. And, they had fun asking me 1,000 questions about me, and what on earth I was doing in such a tiny town. It was fun.
So, back at the house. Everyone was pretty much just sitting around the porch, smoking, and chatting. I sat there, by the door for awhile, taking pictures. When I looked out the door, I was able to capture a picture of a puppy running around. It was very cute. The weather was warm, but it was pretty rainy. As it had been for most of our time there. Lot's of mud, and huge puddles.
Fred got some good visiting in with his Dad. I did, too. I always tried to get in there after Fred, because I never wanted to intrude on him in case he wanted some privacy. I was hoping that he would get some quiet time with him. He did. Each time Fred would come out of the room, I'd want to break down and cry. But, I had to keep it together. Really... it was what I was there for. And, the truth - it was tough. A couple of times I would have to go somewhere, so I could take a deep breath, and do some thinking, to get my head straight. It was not an easy task for me. I am very emotional. And, I have no shame about it. I do like who I am, and - I am an emotional girl.
So, jumping around a bit (this was nothing like the days on the road). I tried to make myself comfortable there. It was tough. I haven't been able to accomplish this as of yet. I just feel so out of place there. As does Fred. So, at least we have each other..... and that makes it easier... When I would look at him, I saw home... and believe me, it was all the comfort I needed to get by. I think he felt the same way...
SO, at the end of the evening, I was so excited to be going back to the hotel. I was really looking forward to spending so quality time with Fred. And, we really needed it. Although I had been there with him all along, we felt so separated, and disconnected. I was about to change that! :) I was gathering my things when I suddenly hear Fred telling his Mom that Freddy and his wife ( and kids) were going to get a room at our hotel, so they could visit with us a little more before we left. *Gulp..... and, they were going to get the room right beside us. Oh my. (lol).... I guess it was going to be a long night after all.......
We stuff everyone in the car. Freddy had to sit in the trunk/hatchback. And, off we went... to the Hotel. And, a long night stands before us.....
Well, all sorts of people got word that we were leaving on Saturday morning. SO, we had visitors, and visitors... and more... visitors. (lo).
It ended up like this.....
I stayed in my room with the 2 babies, and Mara, and some other woman. We all watched the movie "Bruce Almighty". It was great. The other room was full of visitors, and people chatting about old times and stuff. I wasn't being anti-social, I was just exhausted, and needed to be in a quiet place.
Fred finally came in, and everyone left for the night.... it was late. He was totally exhausted.... he crashed. Yep.... straight out. (lol).... And, me.. I sort of just cracked up inside my own little head. Thinking about how our "vacation" had gone (so far)..... at least I had the night at "South of the Border"....
And, that is the end of day 4!
Day five...
Wake up!!! That's what that crazy alarm clock was telling us, AGAIN! We had forgotten to unplug the alarm clock at the hotel that decided when it was time for us to wake up (And it was always at a different time of the morning).
But, this time, it was pretty close. Again, it looked so dark. I had a tough time figuring out if it was really the morning. Oh, it was... but, by day five - I felt like my energy was almost completely gone. The only difference was , today we begin our Journey home. I was really looking forward to that. I know Fred was, too.
So, we pulled the curtains back. It was pouring rain! Worse than it had been over the course of the entire trip. It figured. Our trip was so tough, all along.. and this was just the icing on the cake. But, we had to get up, get packed, get showered, and get out of town!!! So, that was exactly what I begain to do. Fred went to the lobby to get that funky tasting stuff they called coffee. It was horrible. lol BUT, at this point, I had cut back my consumption of coffee about 75%. I'm not kidding. I had such few cups of coffee during our trip, I had almost forgotten what it was supposed to taste like! I tolf Fred that I really missed it, as well as so many other "normal" things...including our incredible intimate moments... But, again... this was the day we were going to turn it all around! We wanted to make our trip home different. One that we'd never forget!!! (lol) And it was..... But, was it what we had planned??? Read on!
Don't forget, we had Freddy, Mara, and the two babies right next door. So, Fred got his stuff together, and went over to visit with them. It takes me a little longer to get pretty...
Once I was finished, I went over too. We had everything packed. Only problem was, we had to stuff everyone in the car again - WITH THE LUGGAGE! Oh well! We packed the trunk/hatch and packed Freddy back there with it. He's 6'2". SO, he's no shorty!! We brought them back to the house. By the time we got there, I was totally soaked (as was everyone else). Between carrying Bethany, and grabbing their stuff, and trying to deal with the whole scene, I ended up as wet as I was when I had stepped out of the shower. :) Only thing was, I had clothes on!
So, we went in to say good-bye to everyone. Even sitting here right now, I'm having a hard time picturing the moment. I think it was just so hectic, and I was trying to be sure that Fred was ok. He was. It wasn't easy, and it was tough leaving, knowing it would most likely be the last time he saw his Dad. But, he did okay. Think about it. How does someone know how to say good-bye to a loved one for the last time?? It's not easy. And, it weighs very heavy on one's heart. But, it was necessary. And, Fred did the best he could. He handled it very well.
When we ran to the car and hopped in, we just sat for a few moments looking at each other. We both felt terrible, and sad, but we were more than ready to hit the road. My eyes filled up with tears, and there was no way that I could take any of the pain away that he was feeling. I wished that I could. I would have taken it all, just to see him at peace.... However, life is just not that way.
So, on we traveled. We were in no hurry. Which was really a good thing, because it was still pouring down rain.
We took it easy, took our time. And... we stopped a lot. We stopped at a grocery store so Fred could get a few cans of Boiled Peanuts.
You can't get them anywhere around here. Most people have never even heard of them. Heck, I hadn't - until I met Fred. :) And we stopped at Captain D's for lunch. Another place you will not find in this area. He loves that place.
So, it was a must!! I wanted to make sure he got his fill of all his southern stuff he missed. And, I think he got it all. Grits, Biscuits and gravy, boiled peanuts, and scratch off lottery tickets! :)
He wanted them, and got them all.
As we drove towards the easten side of Georgia, the rain let up quite a bit. I was happy about that. And, by the time we stopped at our first "Junk Store" (As he would call it), the rain was gone. One of our goals was to stop at Thrift Stores, Antique shops, etc.. so, in we pull. Before I even get out of the car, I hear a man asking Fred if he likes Black people. I thought I might be hearing things... (lol) Why would he be asking him that??? So, I get out of the car. There is a man behind our car asking for money. I felt bad. I didn't really have any cash. I had a whole bunch of debit and credit cards, but no cash. So, we couldn't really help the guy. And, by the way... this was not the first time we had people approaching us for cash. It was different. I felt bad for these people.... I did.
Anyway, the Junk Store wasn't exactly what we were hoping for. Fred and I couldn't find any special treasures... as we had hoped for. So, on we went. And, the rain was gone. And, I was happy!
So, we drove for hours. And, we didn't have much to say. We were both really tired, stressed, and full of emotion. But, we enjoyed knowing that we were headed for home..
COFFEE!!!! I had to have it!!! We saw a MacDonalds up ahead. I LOVE their coffee!!! I was so excited!! So, we stopped. I pulled change out of my purse, so we could both get a cup. It wasn't that we were broke, I just had spent all the cash that I was carrying. It would have felt silly to use my debit card for 2 cups of coffee. :) And in we went. We brught the laptop, so we could map out our next destination. Don't forget, we were so excited about having a romantic, sexy evening together. It had been days!!! Actually, it was since "South of the Border" on the trip down... but who's counting? I am! ME ME ME! (lol) And, I missed it.
So we chose Savannah. That was it. We were going to Savannah, and we were going to make the best of the evening. We'd get there plenty early, and we could stop at a Hotel with a lounge, or nice Restaurant. It was going to be great. I couldn't wait!!! All we wanted was a nice King Size bed, and a lounge or Restaurant to relax in, and have a drink or two.....
Savannah!!! We have arrived. Oh, and look! A Hotel to the right!!
It has a great big sign about Lounge and Restaurant.
Perfect! Okay, I forgot to mention.... IT WAS POURING AGAIN!!!
So, it was really the perfect time to stop.
In to the lobby we go.
And there's a line! The front desk was going crazy with visitors. Most people just had to stop.
It was almost impossible to make it down 95. The rain was coming down so hard. I would say the average speed on 95 was about 30 mph.
Well, we finally get to the desk. NO MORE KING BEDS. *Sigh.... Oh well. I look at Fred, he nods. Ok.... So, I accept the room with two beds. It's fine. We can play on one, and sleep in the other. :)
Or, play on both and sleep in one! LOL, you think??
We get the keys.... open the door... not bad. But, not exactly what we hoped for. Okay, here's where it got rediculous. These beds looked like they were twin beds! What the heck?
Well, they weren't.. apparently they were "full" size. I don't know. But, who cares, right? (lol)..
And the lounge??? Hmm...... not exactly what we were hoping for....at all. So, we decided to have a couple of drinks in the room.
I had a bottle of wine, and he had a few beers.
We sat down on one of the beds, and just laughed.
We could hardly fit on one bed together. Then, within minutes, we realized that the room was so moist. Ok.... so it wasn't really moist.. it was WET!
I had taken off a sweatshirt and placed it on a chair.
It was so damp. Then, when I removed my shoes, my socks got wet when I walked through the room. What a mess! lol... The heck with getting annoyed... it wouldn't get us anywhere.
A few drinks, some good laughs at the movie we were watching... and it was time... I ran over, grabbed our "toy bag" and decided it was time to get crazy. We couldn't move fast enough! lol... We were like 2 animals in heat. We couldn't get enough of each other. It was awesome. Sexy, fun, sweet, hot - AWESOME! whew...... we needed that (lol) Then, we had some afterglow... for a few minutes. And I begged for it again (no joke). It was worth the wait. It sure was....
Then, we cleaned up a little, and went downstairs to the Restaurant for some night time Breakfast. We could hardly speak. lol. We were so drained. In every way.... But, wow.... that food was yummy, too!!!
Okay. This is the funny part. Time to get back to the room and settle in for the night. We hop on the bed, and watch a little t.v. . I was just too sleepy though. So, I get ready for bed, and hop in. Only problem was, I had to lay completely straight, like a soldier, so Fred would fall out of the bed. Then he gets ready, and hops in. Ut-oh... who shrunk the bed? LMAO! It was so funny. We've slept on Full size beds together a bunch of times. I couldn't even tell you how many. But, not tonight. We couldn't move.
A few minutes pass, and I'm trying not to stick my big round booty all over him and push him out of the bed. He's trying to lay still so I don't get booted out. (lol)...
I get up to use the bathroom. When I return, I'm thinking that I don't want to distrub Fred. He actually looked so comfy... So, I bend down and whisper to him that I'm going to get in the other bed. He refused to let me. He knew that I was scared to sleep by the window, and door. So, he hops up, and jumps in the other bed. Um.... this was not the romantic night we so craved. Yeah, the sex was fabulous, as was the whole bonding, loving, kissy face stuff.. but hey... we sleep together. Every night! I didn't know if I'd be able to sleep without him. :( Would I? Could I ? Honest....YES! I was out like a light, in no time! But, before we drifted off to sleep, in our seperate beds for the first time ever, we laughed. We laughed and laughed about how we felt like old people. And, it was beautiful... We both layed there laughing, together...maybe the first laughter we did, all week long. And, it was just great to hear him laugh.. again.
In the morning, Fred couldn't get in "my" bed, fast enough. It was so cute. We cuddled and cuddled. Nice start to the day. And, it didn't sound like it was raining anymore..... or was it????
End day five