What a long, hot day!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have visitors here today, so we can't much play around..... *giggles
However, I always find time to blog!
Today is dragging!!!!! We're about to change over from one system to another, here at work, so we're kinda just "waiting". Tomorrow we don't work at all on our programs. So, I just might be blogging lots and lots!!!!
I don't have lots to say. I'm still daydreaming every available moment about my vacation. I honestly loved it so much. I need to get away more often..... :) I don't relax enough. I need to "chill"
OK. I'm a little distracted. I better get back to work.....
PHOTO: This is a great picture I took from the Great Stirrup Cay private Island in the Bahamas. That is our ship, beyond the rocks & water. We had to take a Tender Boat to the Island. What an amazing day that was. I felt so free at that beach. Not a care in the world. And to see how happy my husband and children were.... priceless. It was simply amazing. Life..... what a beautiful gift. And what an incredible opportunity I was given, to be able to have taken that vacation, with my family. I am so blessed. :)