Happy Friday!! Oh happy happy day!!!
Actually, a little nervous. I have to see a Doctor this morning. YUCK! 10:45 a.m. I do not enjoy going to the doctor. Especially "that kind". :P But, hopefully I will get a clean bill of health (lol, I am VERY clean). :) Funny. I'm like a porn star (down there). When I have these appointments, I usually let some grass grow (lmao) but no time for that! Well, it's beautiful this way - and it's all tanned and stuff.. so why should I worry? I guess I just don't want to feel judged. But, it's a personal preference. So, who cares!!!!! And, I love it this way!
Other than that......Almost ready to go. Whew. I am so excited. SO nervous! I can't wait til tomorrow morning!!!! I may blog a lot today, just to relieve some mental pressure. It helps me relax. Deep breath! :)
AND, tonight, HARRY POTTER! Book #7. Brandon has his book on reserve at Barnes and Noble. So, we have to get him there at 5:00 p.m to get his wristbrand. Then, at 8:00 p.m the events begin. AND, at Midnight, he gets his book - and home we go! I'm in for a long day! lol. He is soooooooo excited. I'm excited for him.
Brooke is wearing me out. :) (not really) But, having a girl is a big job. I had to paint her toes last night, as well as take her shopping yesterday, for... EVERYTHING! We had a great time, however... it is exhausting!
And hubby.... well, today is his last work day. He's beside himself with excitement. I'm looking forward to him coming home, and being on vacation - with me! He rarely gets a break. So, this is huge. wooohooo!
Gotta run. More blogging later.
This is my life.
Crazy or not, here I am!