Our bags are packed. As a matter a fact, they are already packed in the van. :)
Hubby took the kids to Barnes and Noble for the Harry Potter events. Brandon and Brooke were troopers this afternoon. They waited for over an hour to get wristbrand for the book reservation. There must have been 1,000 people there. It was crazy. Of course I pulled out the camera and got a few pictures. I'll post them sometime. Fun stuff. And, tonight - at 11:15 p.m they will begin to line people up in some order based on their wristband - so at 12:01 a.m , they will all be able to buy their book! Very exciting time for Brandon. He's a die hard Harry Potter fan. He's been reading the books since he was only in 1st grade. It was amazing. Hubby would read a chapter, then he would let Brandon read it. He would ask Brandon questions, and he'd always know the answer. Super smart boy. 1st grade is very young to be reading at the level. (Mommy here, just bragging about her smarty pants boy). It's pretty cool. He reads and reads, until he passes out. lol Heck, they know us well at the Library. :) Good stuff!
So, now I sit in silence. No laundry to do, no packing, no lists, no cleaning. I just sit, and blog. I feel good about this trip, my health, and my life. I am just as content as I can be. Oh, and I found the most sexy swim suit this afternoon!!! I bought it, brought it home, put it on... ran around the house in it, and the kids laughed at how silly I was acting. :) It felt good to just be me. :) :) :) :) The silly Mom they have always known me to be.
Well, I think I might make myself a cup of tea. That sounds really nice right now.
I think I'm really ready for this vacation. FINALLY.
And you. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. I hope when the sun rises, it shines bright, upon your face. And I hope, it makes you smile.