Today is the first day of May. Happy May! I would have blogged today (earlier) but I was very busy at work.
My day started with meeting the Vice President of University Advancement. He was very pleasant. He explained that Keith (The Director of Major Gifts) would be the one to make the ultimate decision about hiring me, which I felt good about. Then he told me that he felt I would be a "perfect fit" for the team. WOW. That felt really good. The position I have applied for is huge. A really major part of the job includes planning and organizing fund raisers and events for potential Donors to the University. It's all about bringing in big money to the University. They deal with people that earn millions, and donate a bunch to Rider. I would be right there on the front line. Making the calls, setting up the meetings, doing the monthly budget, etc... A LOT different than the work I do right now. I feel really blessed to have an opportunity like this. I feel like my life is taking a huge turn... Keith wants to mentor me. He's highly respected, and well loved through out campus. He's produced more than they ever expected over the past few years. Last year alone he increased the Major gifts by 43%. Big time stuff. And I just might have something to do with the future donations that will be coming in. VERY COOL! According to the Interviewers, they are very supportive with promoting, mentoring, and helping the team grow. Something I have only dreamed of ever being a part of.
Bottom line...... I sit at my desk praying that I see the call come in from HR. It hasn't happened ..... but I'm hoping it will, SOON!!!!
So, today was a good day. If nothing else, my confidence is building back up. Something I've been losing..little by little, lately.
Not much really to report. I've just been really busy inside my silly head....
The song posted below. Well, funny... it came on this morning on my way to work. Right before my interview. I felt close to the words, to the meaning. I know that everything happens for a reason. Whatever "it" is. So... I turned the volume up really loud and sang along. As if I were the star of my own little show. We are... the star... so we have to make the best of our situation. And do the best we can with it. The results are a mere reflection of what we've become, or where we're headed..... I really believe that.
Happy Thursday. Happy May.