We used to go all the time!!!! Seriously. It was such an incredible "getaway" for us. The Susquehanna River is beautiful. We stay in a tiny little town along the river. The Motel is mostly frequented by fishermen. It's no 4 star hotel....
BUT, this place holds a special place in our hearts. Room 29. :) And I just booked it for tomorrow and Saturday night!
We need to go. We love the ride. We love the old Antique shops. We love the River, the town, the feeling of being a million miles away, even if we're not. The old Diners with the old stuff.... and the fresh air. :) And, we love room 29. Can't wait!
Today is rainy. It's weird at work too... The crazy bitch that works close by has brought her teenager to work with her today. I'm all for family, and I'm all about loving your kids... BUT, this is a professional office. You can't just bring your teenager in to work so she can "Hang out" and listen to her ipod and stuff while other people are working... I know. I'm sitting here blogging. BUT, I am taking a moment to sit and express myself during my busy, hard at work day. This nutjob is so far out in left field that I am floored every time she pushes the envelope one inch further. It's crazy I tell ya. I can't post details, because I never know who may stumble across my blog.. but I can say.... NUTJOB!
lol @ Self.
I have a lot to do before we hit the road tomorrow. I just can't stop thinking about bonding more with my sweetie pie. 10 1/2 years together. I love this man more now than ever. I am blessed.
Once he told me, "We have no memories together".. this was of course years ago. Now, we have so many that we forget some things. Strange how time works. Strange how fast it flies by.
I'm losing track of my thoughts. I better get back to work for now.