I cannot believe it's JANUARY! Do you know that it's about 65 degrees outside? And, I'm in New Jersey! (Well, during the day). I am so thrilled. I have my office window open, and it's just perfect out there. The sun is shining, and the air smells fantastic!!!!!!
Everything else is sort of blah. I am so happy to be alive. Let me just say that and get it out of the way... But, I am battling a terrible cold. I am stuffy headed, sore throat, cough, etc.. the whole thing. And, this weekend was a mess. We had a crisis to deal with, and it was so tough to face. It made the whole weekend tense. But.... one day at a time. That's how we have to take life. Dealing with negative crap is no fun. But, it was necessary. In a huge way.
Other than that... Well, I don't know. The kids were happy as can be. They had their best friends over for the weekend. Well, for the most part. Fred and I had them covered long enough on Saturday night to sneak out for a nice romantic Dinner at a nice Italian Restaurant. That was nice. We needed it. :) And then, we picked the girls back up, and went home. It's nice to have a little freedom these days, to go out on little dates a stuff. With Brandon being a teenager now, we feel confident to leave him with Justin and run out to Dinner. Of course, Fred cooked them a delicious dinner before we went. Spoiled kids. I sometimes wonder if they really have a clear understanding of just how good they have it. I bet they don't... In time... in time...
Yesterday I go a lot accomplished. Laundry, cleaning, etc.. It's nice to get that out of the way. And, taking down the Christmas tree. As much as I love the Holiday season, I love getting my Living Room back to "normal". It looks beautiful with the tree, but I love the way it looks, all by itself. Plus, I get my big windows back :) And, I love my windows!
So, it's Monday. Business as usual. However, I am only working a 4 day week. I have a super Friday planned. It was supposed to be a surprise for my hubby, but I couldn't keep it quiet... :) :) :) I wanted him to be as excited, as me. Friday, we are going to the beach!!!! My favorite!!! His, too!!! So, we can be excited together.
I decided to take the day off (Friday). Although we won't be leaving in the morning, I'll have the time off, so I can go have a pedicure, and get my nails done. I might even get my hair done. I have totally slacked on the "take care of Erin" dept, and I need to get back on track. I want to look and feel as good as I can.... Because I can easily fall into this Seasonal Affective Disorder stuff... and I really want to feel good. :) I've been doing all the other stuff. I'm eating well, moisturizing my skin, shaving daily ;) and all that.... I just don't want to slack. Nope... Don't wanna lose the sexy.... :)
So, that's about it. Later, I hope to work on the last part of my Journey. I'm down to the last 1 1/2 days. Whew... it's almost like a project!
Happy Monday.