So, today I celebrated 6 years at Rider University. This is the longest amount of time I've spent working for a single company. I have to say, I am truly grateful for the opportunity I was given 6 years ago, as well as the new opportunity I am given now in my new location in my office. Today was rather special and symbolic to me. And, to top it off, I had a beautiful delivery of flowers sent to me from my husband. Nice! It really made me feel special, and I am so lucky to be loved and appreciated like I am.
JDM came in and he was so happy to see me in my new workspace. He gave me a big high five and complimented the area that was created for me. I honestly hope this change brings new and positive changes and everything within my career. I do love my job, and I look forward to the up and coming spring season. It will be awesome.
So, I didn't mention it yesterday in my blog, BUT... I got a brand new, gorgeous, amazing camera as an early Birthday gift. It's simply awesome. So much to learn, and it brings me a few steps closer to taking some amazing photo's in the future. I love photography. I am really going to work hard on taking some incredible pictures. They hold much of memories. Without them, we may forget pieces of our journey. It's those every day photo's that remind us of who we are, and where we've been. I don't want to miss a thing.
I'm a little tired tonight. My lovely little high maintenance girl woke me up at 4:30 a.m with a few text messages. I hate that she was having a bad night's sleep, but it was also instant issue for me. Her problem = my problem. I always want to be there for her, but if there's nothing I can do to help her, why on earth would she harass me? lol!!!
Last night we had a nice time at Mom and Dad's for dinner. It has been way to long since we'd been there. I know they enjoyed having us over. I definitely have to make more time to spend with them. It used to seem so easy to make simple plans like that. With the kids getting older, and the fact that they have more of a social life, and every day stuff just taking up time, it's been so hard to get back to basics. It was nice. Even the ride there and back was good. It forced us to spend time talking as a family. We laughed, exchanged vacation ideas, both serious and silly.. and Brandon drove both there and back. Nice. We have to do that more often. I don't want the kids to grow up so fast, but it's just the way it happens. I so love my children.
Tonight George is coming over to exterminate. YAY!!!!!! We've been having this issue with ants. I HATE ants. I could share a story about my experience with ants, but if I do I will get sick to my stomach and grossed out, so I will refrain!
Monday. What a busy Monday........