Good Morning! And, Happy Tuesday!
Wow... what a morning, so far......
I think we made it through the huge rush. I hope that we have. I entered my building this morning to find about 100 kids waiting outside of my office door. All of them, anxious to register for the 2008 spring semester. It was a breeze. They are so sweet, and pleasant to work with. Most of them have no idea what to do, so it's a bit more complicated than working with the senior class.... oh, we're working with strictly freshmen right now... They are to say the least... very entertaining to work with..
Today is rainy. I have a lot on my mind.....
I'm happy.
I'm sad.
Things are good... not bad...
I feel a little blue.
But, I'm not depressed.
Just sort of an off day.
Maybe it's the weather.