Good Morning! :)
Thursday. All is well. Mom and Dad have made it home safely! YIPPIE!!!! They were too tired to tell me about their trip. Maybe this weekend. I'm just glad they made it back. Molly is too! Although, this morning Mom was telling me that she thinks Molly is depressed. When I stopped over there last night to bring them Juice, milk, and bread... Molly walked to the door and waited for me. As if she would be going home with me! lol. She likes it at our house. It's where the action is. A kitten to play with.. Ozzy..... kids. It can't get much better than that for a Golden Retriever! :) Anyway..............
Today is a beautiful day. I feel good all over. :) Spring is such an awesome time of year! And, I'm happy. I wish I could just dance around, all over my office. However, I'm not sure that it would be appreciated. lol Maybe I'll go visit Mom and her people during my break. I only have 30 minutes, but I can move pretty quick!!! :P
Tomorrow..... WEIGH IN! wooohoo... I think I did the best this week! I feel lighter. And my curves are even curvier...(is that a word?). My waist line is shrinking! And the good stuff isn't. I'm doing okay! :)
Other than that. Nothing much to say! lol... well, I could go on all day. Anyone who knows me, knows that! Oh, lol... when Hubby and I first met. Funny story. I used to travel a few hours to see him. Each time I did, I had so much to say. I spent so many years feeling alone. And then, I met him. Anyway... when I'd go visit him, I used to talk talk talk so much. He'd listen to every word... and then, he'd fall asleep while I was talking. It was so sweet. He worked so hard during the week, then when I would arrive on a Friday - he was beat. BUT, he'd hang in there.. sometimes until 3 or 4 a.m., and then he'd be sound asleep.. and I'd still be talking. lol! Fun memory. fun fun fun.
Now....... over 8 years later, I don't feel the need to keep him up all night, talking...... :)