Happy Thursday.
I am in so much pain this morning. It actually takes my breath away.
I can't even believe I made it in to work. Watching the clock.. waiting for this medicine to kick in.
I put a call in to my doctor. Normally, I wouldn't even consider taking pain medication. Today, I'd take anything. I can't even describe the feeling. I've been up (on and off) since 3:00 a.m. - Today, I wear a sweatshirt and casual pants to work. I can't even get dressed right! And, I could care less.
Mentally.. I'm okay. It's just a plain ole tough day. It's cold (about 20 degrees) and icy. It snowed yesterday, and iced over. The ride to work this morning was
I am still holding out for a happy day. This crap will not defeat me!