** YAWN................
What a LONG day! We got out nice and early this morning. Fred made sure not to make coffee until I got out of the shower. He wanted to be sure I would get up, and get my booty moving! So, I did!!! Although I enjoy taking my time on the weekend... I was as anxious as he, to get out in that gorgeous sunshine. So, off we went. A quick stop at Dunkin Donuts for MORE coffee, and then on to Rice's Flea Market. It was incredible out. Warm air, sunshine, happy faces, good fun! We really enjoyed the fresh air.
After we went to the Flea Market, we drove through New Hope. It's one of the nicest towns in PA. All the little shops were opening up, in hopes that a lot of people would visit today. It's quite the "touristy" town. Also, a huge place for bikers to congregate. Nice, and very cool to visit!
We went to a Bike shop, too. Fred had me try on a different type of helmet. I HATED it. He clipped it on my head, and I suddenly began to panic. He tried to get it off of me as fast as he could. Fred knows that I have a terrible issue with claustrophobia. He didn't want me to panic. When the salesman came back over, Fred told him, that helmet wouldn't work... I hate feeling like that. I wish I could get over it. But, it's just that way. Someday, I will break the feeling. Hey, I've gotten better. I can now ride in most elevators. I may use the stairs at times, but I see that as, "good exercise". :)
So, anyway... we went to the Race Track. It was fun. I honestly enjoyed myself. :) So did he. Afterwards, we went to the Diner. It was past 9:00 p.m. and we hadn't eaten since before noon. It was nice, although the food, not so much. Fred describes Diner food like this: He said it's like going to someones house for Dinner that doesn't know how to cook well. Very well put. Indeed! So, I keep it safe... I had a waffle. :)
Now, it's past Midnight. I snuck out of bed to finish my blog. Did I mention that I had coffee with my waffle? I have a bad case of "I can't sleep" right now. Caffeine may be the culprit!!!
The kids are at their Dad's. They haven't gone in about a month. It's quiet around here tonight.
I hope that anyone who reads this has had an enjoyable weekend, so far. If you're reading this, I thank you - for being interested enough..... to read about me. :) I do tend to get a bit "wordy". However, I need to get it out. I can't help it. It's just who I am.
Sweet dreams. May life give you nothing but pleasure. Be yourself. Put life in high gear, and just enjoy who you are. I am working on that, Daily. It's not always that easy - but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it, again. :)