This my dear, is the most appropriate photo of the day! Why??? (lol)
Well, I have shoes on this morning that are higher than these....
It's raining....
And, I took a nice big fall in my building this morning! OUCH!
Everything went boom! (poor Erin)
My bags went everywhere, and there I sat on the floor :(
Now, what on earth was I thinking to wear shoes like this on such a rainy day????
I've been dressing up more, trying to keep myself pretty, and feeling good about "me". But heck - now I'm paying for it. :(
I have a headache, a busted up knee. and my wrist hurts! I tried to break the fall with my right arm I guess.... Didn't work!
However, I'm here. No broken bones, no blood.... no crying...
Dusted off... and now I begin my day.
Happy Thursday. May you enjoy this day as if it were your last.
Dance or sing, in the rain.... smile at a stranger... give a compliment, or two.
It's all good.
Speaking of compliments... I told a woman in the store last night how "sexy" her hair style was. She was so flattered. She smiled really big, and thanked me. It was sweet. And her hair was so wild, and funky sexy. Bet she was happy to hear something nice. :)